Slimy Slug Thing

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"Kind of but there was no tail." Mic said looking at everyone in the room. "But then he heard it yesterday. The exact same sound." Mike said to the group looking at them. Mic was very disappointed with Mike. Mike was the one who wanted Mic to join the party in the first place so why he was being a giant dick to her she won't ever know. All she wants is her friend back. "Why didn't you tell us before?" Lucas asked.  "I wasn't sure." "Maybe it's just a coincidence." Mic told the group with a questioning tone. "Or not." Mike looked directly at Mic.

"What if when Will was in the Upside Down, he somehow developed True Sight?" Dustin asked the group. "True Sight?" Mic and Lucas started at Dustin confusion found in both faces. "It gives you the power to see into the ethereal plane." Dustin tried explaining it to Mic and Lucas was Mic was still confused. "Elaborate." "Maybe these episodes that Will keeps having aren't really flashbacks. Maybe they're real. Maybe Will can somehow see into the Upside Down." Dustin told the group. "So that would mean..." Mic put her hands in her head.

"Dart is from the Upside Down." Mic looked to the group. "We have to take this to Hopper he would know what to do." Mic trust Hopper a lot    He's like a father figure to her. She don't know how she could ever live without him. Every year he gets her something on her birthday. While her parents give her a card from where ever place they're traveling to that week. Her parents are alway gone on her birthday. "I agree." Lucas said. " No way. If we take him to Hopper, Darts as good as dead." Dustin told the group.

"You're not serious are you. Is he serious?" Mic asked Lucas who was standing right next to her. "Maybe he should be." Lucas told Dustin in a very serious matter. "How can you say that?" "How can you not. He's from the Upside Down." "Maybe. But even if he is, it doesn't automatically mean he's bad. That's like saying just because someone's from the Death Star doesn't make them bad. We have a bond." Dustin told the party. "A bond?! Just because he like nougat?" Mic asked him she was already angry at Mike and Dustin is making her anger worse.

"No because he trusts me!" Dustin looked Mic dead in the eyes until Lucas spoke. "He trusts you?" "Yes, I promised would take care of him." Mic knew Dustin was going to carry on with this bullshit of thinking keeping Dart was a good idea when Dart let out a Screech. Mic heard Max from outside of the door. "Guys, what's going? Come on." Dustin looked at Mike as Dart was trying to escape the trap he was in. "Don't hurt him." "Only if he attacks." "Just open it already." Lucas said loosing his patients. Dustin opened the trap and Dart jumped out. "Holy shit." Mic ducked out of the way as Dart came flinging toward her. At the same time Max got the door for the AV club room open so Dart escaped.

"What the.." Max said as she slowly lifted her head to look at the party members. Everyone was freaking out wondering where Dart went. "Where'd he go?" Lucas asked. "What was that." Max asked "Dart!" Lucas said looking at her. "What" she said as she saw Mike staring out her angrily. "You let him escape!" "Well why did you attack him?" Mic asked. Max gave Mic a half smile. She appreciated Mic sticking up for her. The party including Max split up to look for Dart. Mic was walking down the hallway when she bumped right into Matthew Scott the popular boy of Hawkins Middle.

The party didn't know this but Mic and Matthew have became really good friends. Mic likes to call him Matt. She wants to tell the party eventually that they're friends she just doesn't know how to tell them. "Woah! I'm so sorry! Matt i should have paid more attention." She told him. "No, no you're fine. It's fine really." He said rubbing the back of his head. "Um you haven't happened to see an ugly slug creature thing crawling around here have you?" Mic asked him. Matt had a confused look on his face. " I mean I hope not, I'm not the biggest fan of slugs." "So you haven't seen him." She asked. 'No." He said back looking down at her. Matt has height on her.

Though that's just genetics Mic is "5,4". Matt is almost "5,10". "Ok, that's all I wanted to ask sorry to bother you by Matt see ya if you see something let me know." She told him sprinting down the hallway. "Wait-Mic." Matt let out a sigh. "I swear she's gonna be the death of me." Mic heard Dustin talk on the radio as she checked a couple empty classrooms with Max. She found Max and decided to join her. "East is clear. No sign of Dart." Dustin said over the radio. "Nothing over here either." Mic said as they checked some lockers against the wall. Mike spoke through the walkie " West  is clear. Will?" "South is clear. Lucas?" "Nothing here man." He said

Max and Mic walked into the boys bathroom to check for Dart. Mike walked in too. "What the hell are you two doing?" "What are you doing?" Max asked. "Why are you guys in here?" He asked. "Um, the same reason you're in here to look for Dart dumbass." Mic turned looking at Mike with her arms crossed against her body. "This is the boys room." "Yea so." "You should go home." Mic knew he was referring to Max. "Excuse me." Mic said. She didn't know what the big deal with Max was. She was surprised to see max stand up for herself. It wasn't an easy thing to do against Mike he always has to have the last word.

"Why do you hate me so much?" Max asks him. He looked confused as if he didn't do anything to make her feel that way. "I don't hate you." Mic rolled her eyes. "It kinda seems like you do though Mike you've been nothing but mean and rude to her since she got here." Mike felt betrayed. "Oh so you're taking her side now." Mic sighed. She turned the other way she didn't want to deal with his bullshit. He turned his concentration over to Max again. "How can I hate you? I don't even know you." "But you don't want me in your party." She said. "I do." Mic raised her hand in the air. "Thanks Mic." "Anytime." Mic gave her a kind smile. "Correct." Mike said ignoring Mic. Like always.

"Why not?" Max asked him. "Because you're annoying. Also, we don't need another party member." Mic turned around again. " That was rude." Mike still chose to ignore her. "I'm our paladin, Will's our cleric, Dustins our bard, Lucas is our ranger, Mic is our rogue, and El is our mage." Mic froze in place. Why in the hell would he bring her up. She gone Mic has accepted it. Why can't he? "El? Who's El?"

Authors note: Big of a longer chapter i think I'm going yo start making them longer

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Authors note: Big of a longer chapter i think I'm going yo start making them longer. ALSO I SWEAR TO YOU MIKE IS A DEAD MAN IF ONE MORE BULLSHIT THING COMES OUT OF HIS STUPID DAMN MOUTH. Anyway we finally got a Mic and Matt scene. I know there's not a lot of him. But I'm kinda just introducing his character he's very important next season though. Anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter and see you all soon❤️

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