Mad Max

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Mic looked around realizing Will was no where to be found. She started to get concerned after everything that happened last year. She was about to go out there to check on him when Mike beat her to it. She doesn't know what they were talking about, but all she knows is that Mike cares for Will a lot, probably more than he thinks he does.

The next day, Mic woke up and got ready for school. She heard Steve call her name "Mic come one hurry up we got to go." "Coming!" Mic said as she rushing down the stairs with one shoe on struggling to get the other one on. They pulled into Hawkins High School, Mic got out and said goodbye to Steve as she saw Nancy on her way to the car.

As she was walking across the way to Hawkins Middle. A car almost ran her over she looked at him through the window and didn't recognize him. "What the hell dude!" As she stuck her middle finger out. She wondered if that guy was new she's never seen him before. But all she new was that by the looks of him and the way he almost RAN HER OVER that he was a grade a asshole.

She walked into Mr. Clarks class and took her seat, "Meet the human brain." Mic face was full of disgust. "I know, I know, it doesn't look like much. A little gross even right? But consider this. There are hundred billion cells inside of this miracle of evolution." "No, no I did not misspeak. I did not stutter. a hundred billion."

Mic heard the door of the classroom open. She looked up to see a girl with fiery red hair. She looked so cool. She also had a skateboard in her hand. Mic has always wanted to skate but her parents say it "unlady like". Just by looking at the girl she new she wanted to be her friend.

"Ah, this must be our new student." She tried to walk away but Mr. Clark stoped her before she could sit down. "All right. Hold up. You don't get away that easily." Come on up. Don't be shy. Dustin drum roll please." "Class please welcome, all the way from sunny California. The latest to join our curiosity voyage, Maxine." Maxine, Mic thought and then she realized she's Mad Max. And she thought that was badass.

"It's Max." Mr. Clark looked at her confused. "Sorry.""Nobody calls me Maxine. It's Max." " Well, all aboard, Max." Mic and her friends were standing behind a fence looking at Max. "Theres no way that's Mad Max." Lucas said "yea girls don't play video games." Mike instantly regretted saying that as Mic turns to look at him. " Girls don't play video games huh." "Sorry." Mike said. "Mhm" Mic said playfully shoving his arm.

"Yea theres no way you could get 750,000 points on Dig Dug." "It's impossible." Will said. Mic looked to all of them " But her names Max." "So what." " How many Maxes do you know Lucas?" " I don't know." "Zero. That's how many." She shows up at school what the day after someone with her same name breaks Dustins top score." Dustin looks to Mic "exactly so she has to be Mad Max."

Mic looks back at Max " Plus she skateboards, so she's pretty awesome." "Awesome?!" Mike said looking at Dustin, Lucas, and Mic as they stare at Max in awe. "You haven't even spoken to her." "I will." Mic told him as she walks over to Max. "Hello." She said interrupting the girl who was skateboarding .

Authors note: This is Mic's school out fit

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Authors note: This is Mic's school out fit. Im sorry to say this but theres not gonna be that much Matt in this volume. He's gonna be very important during season three time. He's till gonna be in season two just he's not gonna be with the group in season two. I can't say too much because spoilers. Also theres gonna be a new surprise character in season 4 but you'll just have to wait and see. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and hopefully see you guys on Monday i try to update as much as i can. Thanks see you soon!😚😊

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