Turnabout Samurai Trial Day 2

Start from the beginning

Manella: Y-yes, Your Honor. 

Judge: Hmm… Very well. Please testify to the court about the events of that day. 

Mia: Phoenix. Ryan. Let’s start by picking this testimony apart. If Powers is innocent, you know what that means. Someone in the trailer on that day did it! 

Phoenix: R-right. ‘She doesn’t waste any time putting on the pressure!’ 

Ryan: Y-yes ma’am! 

Witness Testimony 
-The day of the Murder- 

Manella: I was at the studios from around 9:00 that morning. During the morning, I was doing… umm… an action scene run-through. It took a lot more time than I thought it would. I hear that everyone else ate lunch in the Employee Area… But I had a meeting in the Studio Two trailer, so I ended up skipping lunch. We were in the meeting until around 4:00…During the meeting, well, I’m pretty sure no one left their chairs. That’s about it.  

Judge: Hmm… The time of Mr. Hammer’s death was 2:30 PM. And according to your testimony, you were in a meeting at that time. Mr. Wright, you may begin your cross-examination. 

Phoenix: Yes, Your Honor. 

Cross Examination

Manella retold his testimony, and once he spoke about having a meeting in Studio Two’s trailer and Phoenix decided to press him on that. 

Phoenix: So, in the end, you didn’t get to eat? 

Manella: Yeah. No steak, at least! Can j00 believe it? 

Phoenix: That must have been tough. 

Mia: Phoenix. Ryan. 

Phoenix: Yeah? 

Ryan: Yes? 

Mia: Doesn’t something about that seem odd to you two? 

She whispered to the two as they nodded, agreeing that there was something very odd with that statement Manella said about not being able to eat lunch. 

Phoenix: Yeah, it does seem odd, now that you mention it. Mr. Manella!

Manella: H-hmm? W-what do j00 mean? *sweats* 

Phoenix: When we went to that trailer, I saw something on the table. There were two plates on the table- - the same kind of plates as in the Employee Area. Who ate lunch there?

Manella: M-mmpf! No, er, ah, im, eh heh. Good call! *sweats* I, er, I was embarrassed so I didn’t mention it… But I did eat, after all. 

Phoenix: A t-bone steak, you mean? 

Manella: Yeah, well, I mean the assistant went through all that trouble… I brought it to the trailer, thinking I could eat it later. 

Phoenix: ‘Clearly, a man who likes to eat, I’d suspected as much…’ So, when exactly did you eat it? 

Manella: We took one break during that meeting. I, er, wolfed it down then. *drool* 

Phoenix: ‘A mental image I will carry with me to my grave… Wait a second…! If they took a break in that meeting, that contradicts his testimony! I’ll press on that one a bit more…’ 

He thought as Manella continued retelling his testimony and once the director mentioned that no one left their chairs at all during the meeting, Phoenix pressed him more on it. 

Phoenix: Hold it! You didn’t take a single break? 

Manella: Er… Well… Y-yeah! Not a one! *sweats* 

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