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A week later

There is some commotion going in the hall of Keingston Palace. Henry can clearly hear someone shouting, fighting and crying from his room. The noises were making Henry's head throb with pain. Henry enters the hall and notices Vir fighting with Peter, Bea's equerry.

Peters notices Henry and says "Sorry, your Royal Highness, Dr. Vir barged into the palace despite our efforts to stop him outside. He is requesting a meeting with Princess Beatrice. I am sure I can resolve this commotion."

"Peter you can leave." Henry dismisses Peter.

"Sorry your highness."

"You can leave Peter Dr. Vir is my doctor, I need to have a few words with him."

Peter bows to Henry and then leaves. Vir strides towards Bea's room but is stopped by Henry.

"I made Peter go but that doesn't mean you get to meet Bea."

"Your highness please let me meet her."

"If she wanted to meet you she would have been out here."

"I just want to ask her a few things. I promise I will never show my face to her after I get my answers."

Henry's headache was worsening with each word of the verbal spat he was having with Vir. He could imagine Alex saying all those words to him.

Bea comes out a few moments later.

"Bee." Vir exclaims.

"I don't want to talk Vir. Please go. Standing here you are hurting me."

"I just need some answers Bee."

"What do you want ?"

"Why don't you fight for us I am there beside you?"

"It is not worth it."

"Our love is not worth it ?"

"It will not be easy." The love Vir had showered on Bea was worth every fight but is it worth fighting a lost battle?

"Love is never easy."

"You will.get tired fighting so many people one day."

"Try me."

Bea is about to speak something when Henry passes out on the floor.

"Henry." Bea and Vir rush towards him.

Vir checks on his vitals and the ambulance on standby arrives to carry Henry to the hospital.

"Have you informed anyone?" Henry asks Bea after waking up.  The doctors checked up on him and there was nothing shown up in the results. They assumed that the prince was stressed due to unknown reasons because nobody was aware of the commotion that took place in the palace.

"The family knows. I haven't informed Alex."

"Don't do it I will tell him myself."

"You are fine ?"

"Bea fight for it."

"For what ?"

"For your love. It is not worth giving up on it for people. It hurts everyday."

"Henry why are you saying all that ?"

"When Vir was standing in the palace hall begging you to fight for the love, my head was throbbing with pain because I was getting deja vu. I was imagining Alex speaking all of it. Little did I know that I had broken up with Alex and decided not to fight for our love for real."

"Henry you got your memories back."

"Yes Bea, I got them back and that is why I am telling you fight for Vir. It is not worthy to give up on the chance of love for this society."

"Not even for the family?"

"Not even for the family." Henry shakes his head. "They are our family but ready to give up on us for when we find solace somewhere that doesn't match their expectations. Find someone who won't give up on you by their own choice but because they respect you and you want that. I am with you Bea in every step even if you decide not to take my advice."

"I love you Henry."

"I love you too Bea."


"I am so sorry." Henry face timed Alex finally after postponing it for 2 days.

"Where have you been ? I have missed you so much." Alex has a worried look on his face that Henry now recognises is because of fear.

Fear that Henry will leave him again. Alex wasn't cold and aloof because he wanted to be but because he was scared of being abandoned by Henry all over again.

"I was in hospital."

"What? Why? Are you fine now? Should I fly there?" Alex hyperventilates.

"I am fine now. I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to worry especially with your new job stressing you."

"Henry still you should have told me."

"And you would have left your job and flew here."


"The reason I didn't tell you."

"You are ok, right ?"

"Yes I am and I am sorry."

"Just don't ghost me the next time."

"Alex, I want to talk about something."

"What happened baby ?"

"I fainted because of Vir."

"The audacity he has to call himself a doctor."

"He came to win back Bea."

"Ohh." Henry could see something in Alex's eyes it was not just sympathy it was much more. It was the experience of the same pain.

"And I remembered everything."

Alex doesn't speak something.

"Alex." Henry calls out.

"Ohh." Alex takes a huge sigh. "Bye I guess."

"I am not asking for a breakup Alex."

"Then?" Alex asks in a low voice. The mix of fear and excitement inside him causing this.

"I want to stay the way we are. Forever."

"Forever?" Alex's eyes shine with excitement though he still maintains a poker face.

"Being with you is happiness Alex. Everyday I have regretted breaking up. I missed you. I wanted you to be present in my life. I thought it would be easy to leave you but now that I have experienced both I just know no matter how much the world dislikes me, hates me it will still be a better place with you by my side."

Tears cloud in Alex's eyes. He refuses to let them fall down.

"I missed you too Henry. I have so much to tell you. I missed you every single day. When I heard the news of your accident something ripped inside me. I tried all the ways to convince myself to not fly to you both the times but my heart won. The wish to have just a few more moments with you have them engraved in memory won."

"Alex I am coming to you. I want to talk to you alot but not like this. I want to hold you or be held by you while I let my heart out."


"Are you stopping me Alex?" Henry asks unsure about what the baby meant.

"No baby. Come soon." Alex takes the risk and speaks his heart out "I love you."

"I love you too, Alex."

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