Rewriting the Story

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I should have said something earlier but here I am now, telling all you people that I'm currently in the process of rewriting this story.

"Why" you ask? Simply put, I'm not satisfied with my first two parts. They just feel out of place with how I'm planning to write my future episodes, plus with me taking "inspiration" from a fellow fanfic writer makes the first two seem even more out of place and makes it feel like I'm ripping them off. 

Though yes I know that this is ironic coming from me who is already taking a lot from Sonic stories of the past, but there's a difference of changing something to fit your story and copying something but adding nothing that changes nothing, which is something I want to do with my story.

Anyways, the point I want to make is that for now I'll keep the first two parts up until I finish rewriting the entire Act.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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