Act 1, Episode 2 - Welcome to Green Hills

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Sunlight shined over a small rural town of Green Hills, Montana. The quiet town was nothing special, all things considered, but like the sign leading to it stated: A little town with a big heart! Plus, it wasn't completely barren of interesting things, one such thing was Green Hills Sheriff's Department. On the outside one may ask what's so special about? Well, it's actually because the family that runs that building have been around for almost hundreds of years, protecting the peaceful town for as long as one can remember and the most recent of these descendants to protect this town happens to be Tom Wachowski.

Tom was just an ordinary average sized, yet well-fit human with short brown hair, peach skin and clear blue eyes. He was no different from others, except from the fact he was everyone's go-to guy, be that being a sheriff or just himself on his regular day, and the reason for him earning that status was because he's willing to help any person with their own problems; be that as small as helping someone finding their lost toy or as big as... fixing a backyard fence, all of which citizens of his town are really grateful for, to have a great protector helping them out. But for Tom this might as well be torture.

Oh sure, he adores being a sheriff, even showed it extensively during his youth, and when the day finally came to be, the first few days were exciting! There wasn't much in terms of crimes or anything major, but he was enjoying this role! Then a few more days passed, then weeks, then months, then years; that's when he started to become a bit world-weary, as his daily duties never provided any sort of challenge as instead of allowing a change in somebody's lives, he's been spending more time helping locals with mundane tasks. Even regular police responsibilities became mundane after a while; and today being no exception.

As of right now, he was busy on the speed trap, on the road, hiding behind the big sign, leading to (what else) Green Hills. A Speed Radar Gun was looking out the patrol car's window towards the long road. Tom, complete with his sunglasses, kept staring at road expectantly, "Come on, one car!" He said to himself, annoyed and almost begging. Eventually, the hand holding the speed gun dropped from exhaustion, he has been waiting for at least one car to pass by him all morning and nothing, absolutely nothing happened during all that time.

Eventually, in his boredom, he started to imitate car noises and move the speed gun across the road to make it seem as if he was catching cars that were moving along the road with incredible speeds. However, that too, soon became tiring and he dropped the speed gun on the front porch of the car. 

"I'm bored!", the cop proclaimed, but to his annoyance his answer came in the form of his radio communication to receive a response from his friend and partner at work; Wade Whipple.

"Tom? Do you read me, are you there?", Tom picked up the communicator.

"No, Wade. I'm actually on a yacht in Barbados." Deciding to play a little joke on his friend, who he knew to be oblivious to Tom's sarcasm, "With Rihanna." He quickly added, despite not knowing anyone with the name.

Obviously Wade took the bait, which didn't take much convincing at all, "O-M-G! That's amazing, please send pics.", Tom would've groaned at his friend's obliviousness, but he couldn't help but chuckle a little as it was so easy to mess with him.

"No Wade, I'm actually at the speed trap." Tom explained, perhaps the only time he had something fun to do during this morning and maybe the entire week.

"Already?" Wade asked, not noticing Tom's sarcasm, "How did you get back so fast? Barbados is in the ocean!", this time Tom actually sighed, not even playing around with his co-worker made his job entertaining; but then something caught his eye.

"Hang on, I think I got something.", he placed the communicator back on the radio, so that Wade wouldn't distract him. Quickly grabbing the Speed Radar gun and pointing it at the road, he wasn't aiming at an incoming car because there wasn't one. What he was aiming at instead... was a turtle.

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