Prologue - Fate

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Fate is the strong thread that pulls us through life, a thread that is often seen as something unbreakable, unpredictable, and cruel. It is a path or role that one is meant to follow in life. From the events one lives through, the people they meet, to even the challenges they face whether big or small. Many people, whether they know it or not, often follow the path, but is that all there is to that road?

Many have a chosen path for them, a destiny. For some they are blessed with a different way of viewing the world, others are born knowing who they are and who they want to become, others were born who chose to understand the world around them and then there are those rare few who define their own fate. But then there are those few who suffer the fate of being labeled an omen, a harbinger, a warning of unknown, lurking calamities.

But does this mean that fate is the only defining aspect when it comes to life?

Who knows. There have been countless stories throughout the ages of individuals who stood defiant against fate's predestined plan. But what made these individuals so special?

Was it fate playing favorites, a child created between the union of the strongest?

Could it be the favor of the gods, having a skill that puts them up above all others?

Or was it being chosen by a legendary blade?

Who knows, Fate has never been a kind mistress and she is often one to play favorites. She has made strong men weak, filled happy mothers with sorrow, and has given dreams to young children only to tear them down when they least expect it.

They say insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result, but there's an exception. That exception is those who no matter how hard they've been hit, no matter how hard they've been struck, beaten down and broken. It's those who choose to defy fate and keep getting up one more time then they've been knocked down only to keep moving forward.

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