『Embarassing Situations』

Start from the beginning

"Alright then.."

He picked out bread, eggs, mayonnaise and ham.

I watched him fry the eggs and the bread with the ham sizzling with butter.

He placed the toasted bread on two plates and spread mayonnaise on it, then he layed fried ham on top with warm poached eggs on top.

He finished it with a sprinkle of dried herbs and pushed a plate over to me.

"Try it."

It was warm and smelled nice.


I broke the egg open so the yolk dripped open and spread around.

I took a bite and..it was good..

"Mm..it's nice!!"
I said while eating.

"Oh you do? Mm, good.."

At least he can cook a good meal.

"You're so much better than many other people in fact."

"Why that's nice to hear"

He folded his arms and looked at me.

I tilted my head.

Today he seems kind of...off.


"Nothing, nothing it's j-"

The table we were sitting on suddenly flipped up side down and we were in pitch black, it seemed like we were floating upside down too, it felt like sinking deeper in black water.


"Oh Scara! Your here!"

"Yeah..can you see me.?"


It seems like we're near each other but we can't see each other..

"Look, I'm stretching my hand out, try to grab it."
I said.


"Just so we don't separate."


He eventually said.

"Where is your hand..?"

I could feel a light flicker on my arm quickly and I moved forward.

"Your near."


Then I could feel a soft hand on my wrist.

"Alright..Good, now just hold on to my han-"

Kazuha let out a yelp as suddenly we were falling down at high speed.

His hand let go.

"Kazuha where are you!?"

"I dunno! You tell me!"

Withought thinking, I grabbed forward and pulled Kazuha onto me.

"What the fuck!?"
He yelled.

"Sorry! I had to!"


"Because wha-"

Before I could finish my sentence we aggressively fell into the light and we crashed onto the ground.


"Ouch...my back.."

I looked up to find three guys standing and looking back at us.


Who are they..?

"Oh its you three.."
Kazuha said from somewhere.

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