24.0 - Le parole lontane

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9.1k is crazy 

A/N : sorry for all the time skips but this needs to progress!

3 months later

The brisk air enveloped me as I walked down the bustling street, leaving my last modeling gig for a period of time. Thoughts swirled in my mind, a mix of determination and worry about the decision I'd made.

Suddenly, the peace was shattered by the clicking of cameras and the clamor of voices. I turned, startled, as a swarm of paparazzi ran up to me, their lenses pointed at me.

"Luna! Luna, can you tell us about the rumors? Are you leaving the industry?" A barrage of questions assaulted me, catching me off guard.

I took a deep breath, steadying myself against the sudden swarm of people. I never really got used to all of the media.

Yes," I began, my voice carrying a mix of certainty and vulnerability. "I've decided to take a break from the modeling world."

The swarm of voices persisted, seeking more details, more insights into the decision that had sparked their curiosity.

"It's not an easy choice," I continued, trying to make my voice heard amidst the chaos. "The constant pressure, the toll on mental health... I need this break."

Amidst the flashes and inquiries, someone brought up the sensitive topic of body image and eating concerns.

"You look like you lost a lot of weight? it is an issue you face in the modeling industry?"

"That's a reality many of us face," I admitted, feeling a lump form in my throat. "The expectations can be suffocating."

"But with the right team and the right people you have supporting you like I have, it's been important for them just as much as me for me to heal"

I spoke candidly, my words punctuated by the click of the cameras, unveiling a layer of vulnerability I hadn't planned to reveal amidst the city's streets.

"I'm taking this break to focus on self-acceptance and self-care,

"It's about reclaiming control over my well-being." I explained as the paparazzi nodded

"Thank you for speaking to us, have a good day" The paparazzi ended off as I sighed a sigh of relief, shaking it off and trying to regain my composure.

I walked into a nearby local coffee shop as I took a seat in one of the booths in the back, waiting for my date.


A date.

I sat in the café, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloping me. Lucky, yea Lucky Blue Smith, was running a bit late, so I occupied myself by people-watching and taking in the sights outside. That's when I noticed them—paparazzi loitering across the street, cameras ready, scanning the area.

I thought they left??

I felt a pang of unease. Were they here for us? I tried to brush it off, focusing on the anticipation of Lucky's arrival instead.

"dalla luna" ▪︎ damiano davidWhere stories live. Discover now