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Chapter 2 of the story, the titles and the plot will continue this is just the ending of one chapter and the start of another

Lunas POV:

My fingers fiddle with my rings as I walk into the studio the group is practicing at. It's been almost a month after the date Dami and I had, and honestly, everything's been perfect. Everything except the huge elephant in the room. 

My job.

It frustrates me so much because I can't seem to find a balance in life, with anything I do. When I'm too focused on my job, my mental health and social relationships decline. When I'm too focused on social relationships, my performance in my job declines. 

It's a vicious cycle. 

As stupid and maybe unreasonable as this sounds but, I value my job and building a career for myself more than my social relationships. 

Never beeing too close with my family has probably made me this way, not to act pick me or anything but I've always found a way to stand my ground. 

I need stability in my life and I spiral when someone else fends for me. I need to be in control and have a plan set for myself. 

As much as I love the group, as much as they're my family, it doesn't work that way with them, and sometimes I feel like I'm losing the balance I so desperately crave. 

That's why I needed to make this decision, for me and for my future.

"Ciao bella" Vic says as she jumps up from the couch running up to hug me, Dami follows. 

"Hey beautiful" He greets me with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. We're not dating, well officially, but we're pretty close to it. We haven't had much time to spend one on one due to the groups new album coming out, but we still see each other often and act like a couple.

"Why are you nervous cara?" he asks in the hug. Fuck. How does he notice shit so easily. 

I don't respond as I pull away clearing my throat. Please don't make this harder than it needs to be.

"I need to talk to you guys" I announce as everyone freezes to turn to me, even the bands manager. 

Thomas and Vic look at me with a puzzled look, Damiano a stern and concerned one, while Ethan...I feel like he knows. 

"Uhm..I'm moving" I blurt out as it feels like the temperature in the room dropped. Everyones face falls as Damiano looks at the floor, refusing to make eye contact.

"W-what?" Vic says shakily as I notice the tears forming in her eyes. Thomas shoots a perplexed glance in my direction. Ethan remains oddly silent, his eyes fixed on me with a knowing intensity that sends a shiver down my spine. 

Dami's silence speaks volumes, his gaze locked on the floor, a mixture of hurt and understanding etched on his face.

"Yeah, I... I got an offer," I stutter, trying to steady my voice as the weight of the moment presses down on me. 

"dalla luna" ▪︎ damiano davidWhere stories live. Discover now