17.0 - FEEL

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"Brooo I miss you" I whine as Vic laughs through face time. The band is on tour right now, Vic and the others, except Damiano, begged me to come with but since I just started working again and in a really good opportunity business, I couldn't leave it.

Dami and I haven't talked since the whole argument, we just tried to avoid each other at hangouts or anytime we went anywhere. The group started hanging out less and less in the past couple of months.

They were always in the studio working on their new album. Normally I would have been there too, but work and I just didn't want to be around him, or Gio for that matter.

"Miss you more, I love touring but I miss your bed" Victoria adds as I roll my eyes. She's never at her house anyway so my bed is always her bed and Gimbo is her cat.

"My bed misses you more, and the girl laying in it misses you even more" I blow her a kiss,

"Oh stop it" Vic fake flirts back with a cocky smirk as it doesn't take us long to piss our pants. I love her with all of my heart, yeah we've kissed here and there but I don't think we could ever date.

I don't even know if I'm into girls or not.

"Sooo how's the guyy" she wiggles her eyebrows as I sigh, knowing the topic would be brought up somehow.

"He's good, we're going out again next week, when both of our schedules are free" I say, a smile creeping up my face,

"Someone likes hiiimmmm" Vic squeals through th ephone causing me to cover my face with my hands,

"Bro he's so fineeeee" I groan out loudly falling back onto the pillow as Vic makes kissing and moaning noises.

"His names Lucky yeah?" Vic asks as I nod,

"Funny name" she says as I pull a mean face to her,

"At least he's not as funny looking as your exes" I hit back as she sticks her tongue out at me playfully.

"So when are we meeting this Lucky person" she pulls out a terrible pun,

"Never if you're going to behave like this, plus it's like our second date we're nothing official" I add as she shrugs.

Yep. You've been hearing it right. Lucky Blue Smith guys. The top mode everyone in existence obsesses over.

Two weeks ago I was with Helen doing a run through and prep for D&G summer show, so all of the models were gathered together.

I was absolutely starstruck seeing some of the supermodels you only see in adverts. I actually got really close with Linda Helena, you may recognize her from the billboards of her and Diego Viarell, whom I also got to meet.

The organization at the prep was really bad so they had all of the modes cram backstage since the rooms were still under construction.

That was pretty okay for me since I wouldn't have met any of them or gotten to be friends with the others. They're not like everyone pictures them out to be. They're actually decent and normal people doing their business.

Linda and I went out for lunch a couple of times that week where she introduced me to Lucky. He doesn't normally work for D&G but he said he was invited to walk for their summer show.

Once the prep week was over all of the modes went out for drinks that weekend and I guess that's where we got a bit tipsy and a bit physical. Not complaining at all.

We started hanging out more since then and he asked me out on a date last week. We had some coffee at a really nice coffee shop, and I can say that man is drop dead gorgeous inside and out.

I'm not sure if I like him or not since I don't know him well. But I can say one thing, even if I do like him, it's nothing compared to the electricity I felt with Damiano. But that's over now.

"Okay we have to go rehearse, 3 more shows left until your baby is home" Vic squeals,

"Oh Ethan? Yes i miss him so much" I joke with her as she acts fake offended,

"I love you!" Ethan calls out from behind her as I blow him a kiss.

"Okay bye love you" Vic says,

"Love you more" I reply as we both hang up.


"No actually??" I question as I can hear Linda sigh from the other line,

"Yeah, because of their shit planning they pushed the runway back a week"

"Bro and we were so ready for it"

"I know, but to compensate they gave us the week off, fine by me" she laughs as I chuckle,

"Wanna go on a girls trip this week? I have a summer house in Florence" she asks as I hesitate for a second,

"I would love to, but I think I'm going to go see Vic and the others" I say as Linda hums,

"That's so cute, after the show then?" She asks,

"For sure, bye babe" I say as we both hang up.

A week free?

The perfect way to surprise Vic and the others. Even if Giorgia and Damiano are there, I miss my family.

I think they're having their last show tomorrow in London, I know there flying tonight, so maybe I can too.

First I'll call Fabrizio to check where they're staying, hotel rooms and shows.

"Ciao Luna what's up" he answers the phone as I run through the plan I just created 3 seconds ago.

"Ahh they would love it, their last show is in O2 Arena in London, starting at 8, I think we can sneak you in towards the end of the show right about when they're going to bow and walk off, just pop behind them" he adds as I feel the excitement bubble inside of me.

"That's great grazie Fabi!" I thank him as we both hang up.

I go on my laptop and find plane tickets that land around 7 so I'll have time to get to the arena and look a bit more decent.

Fabi also told me their room numbers so I find an empty room right across the hall from one of their rooms.

Well I guess it's time to start packing, the flight leaves tomorrow evening.

I wonder I'm going to make Damiano feel.

"dalla luna" ▪︎ damiano davidDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora