Chapter Twenty One-Death

Start from the beginning

Johnathan looked back at me and sent all his love for me through our mate link. I, in turn, sent all my love for him back.

Just then, a howl was sounded close by and I watched as half of my father's pack came out form the trees and rallied behind their leader. But they didn't stand behind him, they stood behind me. I stood a little taller and silently thanked them for helping me. I looked over at Hope's dead body and then set my sights on Dom.

As soon as I lunged at him, the wolves on my side lunged at the wolves on my father's side and Johnathan and Ben attacked the Alpha.

* * *

I zoned out all the noise from the battle going on around me and focused on my fight against Dom, my tormentor.

Throughout the entire struggle with both of us trying to other power the other, images of how he used to hold me down and penetrate my body for hours on end filled my mind. Somehow I couldn't stop Johnathan from seeing those same images and that only fuelled his anger and he easily had the upper hand on my father.

Audreanna was banging around in my head, telling me to let her take over and that she would easily kill Dom for me, but I didn't want her too. She didn't really understand, but I needed to do this. I needed to kill Dom myself, without the help of my wolf's abilities.

Through my distraction, Dominick managed to swipe his massive paw at me and his claws caught my neck. I howled in pain as I felt the blood drip from my wound and panted as I felt my energy waver. Before Dom could attack me again, I jumped onto his back and dug my claws in deep. He easily threw me off and scratched at my neck again and then my chest, but I swiftly moved out of the way before he could inflict even more damage. I kicked him away from me and I watched as he landed a good seven feet away, but my joy was shortly diminished as he got back up again.

I lay crumbled on the ground as I watched him slowly approach me as I struggled to get to my feet, to do anything to protect myself from my tormentor. Even with all the power flowing through my veins, my own mind proved to be powerless against my fears. I glanced over to my right, temporally taking my eyes off of Dominick and instead watched John and his father fight my own.

They were winning, thankfully. Even though they both have Beta blood in them, combined together they might not have power to kill my father. It seems that because half the pack has now left him to join me that he lost some of his Alpha abilities and that power went to me and my mate. Out of the corner of my eyes, I could see Dom grin; well, as much as a wolf could grin, at the sight of my broken body. I turned my head back, paying full attention to him. I could feel the cold seeping into my naked skin, numbing my muscles and bones.

As Dom continued to stalk towards me, he slowly shifted back to human form and I tried my hardest to crawl away from him as he knelt down above my body, inches away from my face. Terrors ran through my mind at the memories of him hovering above me, my hands and feet tied down by pure silver chains to stop me from fighting him. I shook off the memory and pushed the images into the back of my mind.

"Why must you fight me, my goddess?" he whispered to me as he caressed my face and I flinched away from his touch, wincing at the pain coming from my neck where his claws pierced my skin. "I don't wish to hurt you, I just want you back."

"I'll never return to you," I spat back at him, bitterly. "You killed my daughter you sick bastard." I let my tears of grief fall down my cheeks.

"I didn't want to kill her; she just wouldn't obey me like you used to do. I was really hoping she would join us and become my goddess just like her mother, but she couldn't resist offending me, her own father." He shook his head at the memory and looked over to the middle of the field where I knew Hope's bloody and broken body laid. "She never knew the love I could've given her, the love that I used to give you every- ARRG!"

While he was distracted by Hope's body, I had used that time to reach up and shove my hand right through his chest and gripped his heart. He looked back down at me, at my hatred filled glare and smiled as I sunk my claws into his heart and ripped it from him chest, leaving a giant gaping hole.

I dropped his heart on the ground as I no longer had the energy to hold my arm up any more and watched the last few seconds of Dom's life leave his eyes as he crumbled to the ground beside me, knocking the wind out of my lungs as he landed half on my already battered body. I let my eyes flutter shut and the last thing I heard was the sound of my father's pain filled screams before I let the darkness take me.

A/N-Please read

Yes!!! Dominick is finally dead!!!

What did you guys think of that?

The story is almost finished, probably only two or three more chapters to go and then that's the end. I doubt I'll do a sequel either, considering how I'm planning on ending it, there's really no reason to write a sequel.

But I have started to plan for a new book, nothing to do with this story though. I'm just having trouble with thinking of ideas, so if you guys could post some ideas below, it would really help :)

Anyway, please vote, comment and share :) :) :)

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