It wasn't that I was afraid of him; I was afraid of what I might have to do if he escaped. I didn't want to hurt him, but if he turned and managed to get out of the chains, what else was I supposed to do but fight him, make sure he didn't escape?

Isaac lifted my chin with his free hand, urging me to look at him. I did and he stared at me imploringly.

"I trust you," he said. "You don't need to be scared."

I smiled, because of course he'd understand why I was upset. I nodded, feeling better, and continued chaining him until Derek came over.

"I'll finish this up," Derek said, "You keep an eye on the other two."

I nodded and stood up, walking towards Erica and Boyd, leaning against a pole as I watched them. By now the moons effects had started, both of them screaming, tugging at their chains, attempting to lunge at me. I did my best not to flinch as I listened to Derek and Isaac talking.

"How do you not feel this?" Isaac asked in a strained voice, close to turning.

Derek tightened a chain. "I feel every second of it."

Isaac snarled. "Then how do you control it?"

"Find an anchor," Derek answered, moving to chain Isaac's feet to the floor. "Something meaningful to you. Bind yourself to it. Keep the human side in control."

"What is it for you?" I asked.

Derek looked up briefly, eyes flickering to me before he looked back down at the chains. "Anger, but it doesn't have to be that for everybody."

"You mean Scott?" Isaac asked, voice rough from the changing.

Derek looked up at him for a moment, face unreadable, before answering, "yeah."

Erica growled and I shifted my attention from the two unchanged werewolves to the two very much changed werewolves that looked like they wanted to eat me alive. I focused on lessening the pain for Erica a bit, because more blood had started trickling down her face from the wound reopening, and she started to relax a bit.

That was until she jerked on the chains hard enough for the pole to bend, a horrifying clang accompanying it. I gasped, stepping back.


Derek was quick to leave Isaac chained to the seat, moving in front of me to assess the damage done to the pole. He turned on me.

"The pain makes her weak," he hissed, no doubt noticing my magic.

I stopped the spell, and it was enough for Erica to start howling in pain again, her features morphing into fully werewolf mode. Boyd followed, and from the sounds Isaac was making he did too. I looked to Derek and he motioned for us to go outside. I made a point not to look at Isaac as I exited the train.

Derek turned to face me, his expression serious. "What magic do you have that will help us tonight?"

I considered his question, seeing the spell book in my mind. "I'm better at offensive that defensive, but I could try a spell to keep them in the train, similar to mountain ash. I'm not sure how long it would last though."

Derek, thankfully, didn't say anything at the mention of mountain ash or what happened to me last night because of it, but he did send me a look. "Don't bother. We'll play to your strengths. When they get too strong – because they will – I want you to use your magic to weaken them. I don't really care what spells you use, just as long as it's not permanent."

I nodded my head. "What about blood? Won't they get into a frenzy if I make one of them bleed?"

Derek laughed harshly. "Y/n, they'll already be in a frenzy. They'll be too focused on trying to tear you apart to care that one of their own is bleeding."

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