Ch. 1: The Accident

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"Maryam please hear me out." The young man pleaded. His brown eyes held a stormy sea of emotions. The kind he very rarely showed to anyone, except for her.

"I can't Amos, We've been together for four years and now you decide to tell me. Oh god, what have I done." She said just above a whisper, her voice broke as her heart did. The passion and fire she once held for this man drifted away, replacing it with bitter anger and fear. She sat on the leather couch with her face held in her hands. Amos moved closer to her in an attempt to comfort her. The terror that gripped her body made her hurry away from his touch, something she'd never thought she'd ever do.

"Mary...I'm so sorry," Amos said slowly as he backed away from her and sat on the opposite side of the couch. "I didn't know how to tell you. We were young and I... It just didn't seem important until now." He hung his head low afraid to even look in her eyes, he knew all there would be was anger and disappointment.

"Not important? You thought your little secret that could get us killed wasn’t important until you put a fucking baby in me?" Maryam fumed marching towards him just barely towering over Amos, who remained seated. "Are you that stupid Amos? Our daughter could die from this and you didn't think about telling me until after I was pregnant?!" Her face was now a bright red. Her fist clenched at her sides so tightly her nails left indents on her palm.

"Mary, I know I messed up. I should've been honest the day I asked you to be mine. Please give me a chance." His sad eyes finally met her raging ones. A beautiful brown similar to his but where his were dark, hers were warm like a summer's day. He could only hope their daughter had the same beautiful warmth her mother had.

"No." Came her simple answer. It slammed into his heart like a brick.

"My love, please. I'll do better, I'll protect y-" He began as he stood to his full height but was forced to stop when Maryam's hand shot towards him. With a strength he'd never seen from her before she slapped him square across the jaw. A resounding thwack rang throughout the room. Stunned he held his stinging jaw while looking at her in awe.

Her face was twisted in a scowl firm enough to scare off even the most frightening of beasts, "You will stay away from me. You will not come within a 10-mile radius of my daughter. We're done, Amos." With those final words, she left. Hiding her shaking hands behind a mask of stone.


Mint and leather is such a loud smell. It’s like it follows my brothers everywhere they go. I’ll never understand a preteen boy’s obsession with smelling like a sweaty locker room that just got sprayed down with Fabreeze. Of course, they always argue that it’s not that bad, but I swear I can smell everywhere they’ve been. Especially when they stand right outside of my door like they are currently doing. 

“I know you’re there,” I call out. All I get in response is shuffling and muffled giggles. “I can hear and smell you.”

More giggling ensues before Austin replies, “Hey Cory you should come outside for a second, we have a surprise for you.”

This is a trap just like the time they spread oil outside of my door so I would trip on it. I know for certain it is, but I’ll humor them. I slowly get out of bed all my joints popping and creaking. I’m twenty-two and yet my body acts like it’s seventy. I twist and turn my back until I hear another sickening pop and sigh with relief. 

“Come on Cory! You definitely want to see what we have for you!” Comes Austin's taunting voice again. I can hear Landon trying to muffle his laughter as I make my way to the door. With my hand on the knob, I mentally prepare myself for whatever torment they’ve decided to bestow upon me today. 

Resurgence Version 1 (Being Revised)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ