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"Father summoned me? Why would he summon me so late in the evening?" The corners of Satsuki's mouth turned to a frown.

"I am unsure, my lady, but his lordship said this was of utmost importance," Ena explained, back to her normal stoic self after the ink was removed from Satsuki's face. "I will lead you to the lord."

Satsuki sighed. "Very well,"

It was a peaceful night. The moon basked the estate in a gentle glow, and fireflies danced above the koi ponds to the crickets tune. Everything was perfect. Well, except for the holes in the walls that Sukuna had so generously put there.

Satsuki stopped and stared at the wall. She hated imperfect things, yet here she was, absolutely fascinated by this seemingly imperfect man, because where everyone else saw imperfection, she saw perfection in him. Even the damn holes in the walls were perfection.

"My lady, we must make haste. The lord is waiting,"

"Yes... I suppose we must.."


"My dearest daughter," Masakado greeted, though Satsuki showed no interest. Besides, her father only summoned her if he needed something.

"What do you need from me now, Father?" Satsuki bit the inside of her cheeks as she smiled politely to hide her annoyance.

Her reaction earned her a pout from the grown man. "Is that how you greet your father? You're my favorite child–"

"Cut the act, Father. It is the hour of the pig and I have no patience for your games," Satsuki snapped, showing the ugly side of her personality.

(A/N: the hour of the pig is 9pm to 11pm)

"Fine," Her fathers face hardened like stone into a scowl. "Your great uncle wishes to marry you."

Satsuki blinked in disbelief, her annoyance replaced with pure shock. "Pardon?"

"I could hardly believe it myself. That slimy bastard thinks he has what it takes to marry my beautiful daughter. Not a chance, I'd say! Even after all I've done to convince the Emperor to respect your wishes of choosing not to marry!"

"But why now?" Satsuki's head was filled with questions, but Masakado continued to rant to himself and leave them unanswered.

She knew such practices weren't uncommon, but she was a noblewoman of unparalleled beauty. She should at least get to choose her own husband.


Even after faking infertility per her father's request, an act that would be considered treason, she believed she'd traded money and fame for a love that was real. How naive of her to think anyone could see past the gold and silk she was wrapped in, and see who she truly was.

'But then again, you're only pretty on the outside. Two ugly people would make a perfect match,' A voice in her head mocked.

Satsuki's head spun. This was disgusting. "I'm rejecting his proposal, tell him to fuck off,"

Colors blurred together and there was an ear-piercing ringing noise that brought her to her knees. Her eyelids became heavy and everything went black.


Water. The first thing Sukuna noticed was that he was halfway submerged in water. The water was a glowing crimson, which seemed to blend into the pitch black sky. Above him was what looked like the ribcage of a giant monster of some kind.  There was a inexplainable hum that reminded him of both misty mornings and unbearable agony. 

A calm hellscape. It was a perfect place for someone like him.

Sukuna lifted himself from where he lied in the water, and mindlessly wandered, though he couldn't shake the uneasy feeling he was being lead somewhere. It wasn't until the waterfall appeared in front of him that his suspicions were correct.

It wasn't an ordinary waterfall either.  He could see the water cascading down, yet it made no sound.

Something was beckoning him forward, something sinister.


Sorry it's short I just need to update

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