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No matter how many women he beheaded, his bloodlust was never satisfied. How could it be when the one he wanted to kill was a beauty like no other.

'Her face is irritating. She needs to die.'

He wished he could take all those meaningless death threats away because now all Sukuna wanted was to have her back. Such as life, wanting the things you once had but lost.

"Shut up," Sukuna grumbled, uninterested in what his intrusive thoughts had to say on the matter of how she would die. "So annoying..."

He banged against his skull a couple of times until the voices went away and threw the head he was looking at across the room. Her lifeless green eyes stared at him, but Sukuna had no interest in an uglier version of Satsuki.

A familiar shadow appeared outside his door, causing Sukuna to huff in annoyance before signaling Uraume in.

"Master Sukuna-"

The door had just opened, and Sukuna had already drawn blood.

"What sort of game do you think you're playing Uraume?" His voice dripped with bloodlust, much like the thick crimson blood on Uraume's ear.

"I deserved that. Apologies, Master Sukuna, but I don't think you would've liked to play this game if you didn't know what the prize was." Uraume bowed, careful not to spill any blood on the floor.

"I have no interest in whores " Sukuna growled as he propped his head up on his hand, irritated by Uraume, but listening nonetheless.

"I thought you'd say that. But this woman is the most sought-after in all of Japan and is the most important piece in the civil war that is brewing."

"War?" Now Sukuna's interest was peaked.

Uraume could see Sukuna's smirk grow as they explained this new game to him.

"You dodged having your head cut off again, kid," Sukuna eyed Uraume. "Now get before I change my mind."

Uraume, being no fool, left swiftly, leaving Sukuna with his thoughts.


"Lady Satsuki! Lady Satsuki!"

Satsuki snapped back to reality, having dozed off so long the ink on her parchment paper had already dried completely.

Yet she wasn't concerned about dozing off while writing, or the ink on her face, but was more concerned with the man who kept appearing in her dreams.

"Hmm, how intriguing..." She murmured as her handmaid continued to fret over the ink on her master's face. It was quite amusing, seeing a woman who almost always had a stoic expression on her face stressed over such a little thing.

Satsuki closed her eyes, and there he was again, his blood-red eyes filled with murderous intent, and his teeth bared like a rabid dog. He toward above everyone, and demanded as much of everyones attention as the beauty herself.

"My lady? Is there something funny?"

"No, there's certainly not. In fact, I think I'll hire someone to kill that man," She laid down on her back and stared up at the ceiling, silk and thick black hair cushioning her as she remembered the way his hair brushed the ceiling.

"My lady, are you wishing to kill that thing that dared to insult you?"

"That thing is a man," Satsuki corrected, as she balanced her ink brush on one finger. "A monstrous man... An intriguing man... Maybe I'll have him brought to me on the brink of death just so I can see the life leave his eyes."

"My lady, I fear that will be impossible... He is the rumored 'King of Curses'" Her maid told her, and the smile on Satsuki's face grew.

"I'd expect nothing less from him."


Breakups are hard. Especially long-term relationship breakups.

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