The Mission

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"So what is the plan we lost," Derieri said in a cave. The 9 comments that are left said, looking at the other comments.

"I don't know. This is the first time I don't know what to do." Zeldris said who is the leader.

"I have an idea." Gloxinia said, looking over to Zeldris, waiting to see if he could continue.

"Go on, Gloxinia. What is your idea." Zeldris said, waiting until Gloxinia continues.

"This may be weired, but let's go to the past and mess with someone's past to make them join us. Someone besides Meliodas, who had the worst past out of all the Seven Deadly Sins. It would probably be easier to get one of them. Especially if we give them membories of the "future" and make make them not fulling correct. How about it?" Gloxinia said, looking over everyone.

"Smart, but who though?" Monspeet said, looking over to Gloxinia.

~ After 5 minutes ~

"Maybe that little fairy, who isn't even at full power. And he doesn't even have his wings." Gloxinia said.

"Yes, that could work. Besides, he gives me this feeling that he needs some help." Zeldris said after thinking this through. "So that's our goal getting to that little fairy. That means all we need is for someone to go into their tavern that my dear older brother is and spy on him. Due to this, we need his actual name and a little bit of blood." Zeldris said with a smile.

"So who should go then?"  Melascula said, looking towards Zeldris with disgused on her face due to not wanting to be the one to do it.

"Well, both Drole, Gloxinia, and myself will go. Besides, I want to meet him personally afterall I do want him in my ten comments, do we not." Zeldris said, looking over to Melascula.

"That should be fine." Drole said, looking at Zeldris.

"Good, I'll see you in the morning then." Zeldris said, going to sleep.


Author's note

Hope you enjoyed
New story Yeah!

Word count: 341 words

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