"Please just sum this up and tell us if there is a way to get Garroth out of the Irene Dimension. That's all we need to know."

"Somthing happened between Enki, Irene, and Shad. Shad was noted to be a great person despite his title of 'The Destroyer'. But in his later yers it was noted that he became distant for some unknown reason. Kul'zak however is a mystery, history tells us Kulzak was documented as a Keeper. However Kul'zak's symbol is this one right here... this ice blue one.. its the symbol of The Wanderer. Enki's symbol however is of The Keeper.. So that clears up some confusion. But.. The most interestin thing is this. This grave."

Kenmur led Aphmau and Aaron to the grave we had found.

"The symbol above it is that of The Wanderer," Kenmur explained.

"How does that help the situation at hand?" Aaron asked.

"We can't open it.. We were hoping Aphmau could," Emmalyn explained.

"Defile a corpse!?" She questioned.

"We need to know what's inside," Kenmur said.

Every part of me winced at the idea. Even if part of me didn't believe he was actually burried here, I still didn't think it was right. I bit at the inside of my mouth, hoping they wouldn't do this.

"I'm going to be honest with you Aphmau... aside frkm historical clues we haven't found a thing on how to get Garroth out of the Irene Dimension... The answer could be in there," Emmalyn encouraged.

"You were able to open the ruins Enki left behind," Kenmur said.

"But that's... This is wrong," Aph said.

Aaron whispered to her, "I'll be right here with you. We need you to do this."

"Alright, I'll try," she said.

We saw her push off the lid to the grave to find a skeleton and an orb came flying out, making its way into Aphmau's hands.

"It's a... Divine Fragment?!" Emmalyn questioned.

"A fragment of power said to have been frkm the Divine Warriors... Their uses are unknown. But they are extremely rare... They are very powerful.." Kenmur explained.

"This could be what we need," Aaron said.

"Impossible... You'd need multiple to eve attempt to do something with them. Even then..." Emmalyn explained.

"These are so extremely rare. Travelers spend their whole lives to find them... In fact, ones of that," Kenmur said.

Aphmau got excited, holding on tight to it. Emmalyn and Aphmau were about to set off rushing into other rooms to search for more. Kenmur and Aaron held them back from doing so though. Everyone left the room, and I found myself alone with the casket. It was still laid open. I touched it, only at first to move the slate back to the top. I found myself staring at the etchings into the stone, graving over it with my hand.

I found myself in the Yggdrasil forest on our way to have a meeting with Irene. We were much younger, only seemingly just starting to help people. There were a few bandits that stopped us along the trail and Kul'zak jumped in front of me.

"Ereni, stay close," he said.

"I can handle this too Kul'zak," I said, using my sword against them.

My sword clashed a couple of times before I had the a few bandits runnin away. When I had looked back Kul'zak was smilin at me. He pulled me in and hugged me, brushing at the top of my head is a lovingly teasing way.

"Look at you! Our training is really paying off!" He said cheekishly.

"I was strong enough before I even met you Kul'zak," I said. "But thank you for helping me get stronger with my swordsmanship..."

He chuckled walking with me the rest of the way.

Kul'zak walked into what appeared to be my room, sitting down on the edge of my bed.

"I'm tellin you, these boys and their chasing. One of these days their going to ask for you hand," he joked.

"Kul'zak!" I slapped him with my pillow.

"What?" He chuckled.

"Well, back to buisness, did you get the treaty settled for the Western Wolf Tribe?" He asked.

"I did, after twisting a couple of arms and partaking in a bit too many festivals," I sighed.

"Good. I'll start along with Galaga in the next region over starting tomorrow. Don't know how long I'll be gone," he sighed, looking away from me.

"I'll miss you," I said hopefully, as if that would fix the problems in Galaga and make him not have to leave.

"I'll miss you too (nickname)," he said, enveloping me in a hug. "Don't go picking any fights while I'm not around."

"Oh yes, because I get up to LOADS of trouble," I joked.

"Yeah you do. And don't go getting married either. And don't going along with Menphia and have too much fun without me," he said.

He huged me close. No matter how many times we all had to part from one another, it was always hard. Kul'zak though... He was the brother I never had, through and through.

"I love you (nickname)," he said, scared of letting go.

"I love you too Zak," I said, scared of the same.

I laid there ontop of his grave. It burned at my skin, but I couldn't leave him. He was gone. There was no special goodbye. There was no letter from him telling me he was even on his way out. Because one day he was there, and the next he was gone.

When I awoke I once again realized, I was layin ontop of his casket. I was crying... Because one moment he was there, and the next moment he was gone...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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