✩。°Bunny, Baby, and the Ghosts°。✩

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Merry Christmas for those who Celebrate, and speaking of, that Christmas Plotline is still gonna happen, but I'm just now realizing that it's DEFINITELY going to take longer for us to get there, oops >_<
I love u guys sm, tysm for being patient💕

Nickolas, being the idiot that he was, fell asleep with the baby on his chest.

Large, plush hands wrapped around the baby's middle and lifted it up.

" Hello there," Springtrap mumbles as he turns the drooling infant over to him. He still wasn't used to holding a baby, nor did he even know how to hold one properly, but as long as he didn't drop it, it didn't really matter.

After quick glance around, Springtrap adjusts the baby in his arms so that he was holding it close to his chest with an arm around the back of its knees with the other resting on its back.

" ba-ba," A tiny fist lightly hits Springtraps chest.

" ba-ba-ba-ba," The bunny mocks, turning around and walking away from Nick on the couch, working a finger underneath the baby's hand so the infant could grab onto it.

He walked into the kitchen in a few quick strides before moving a hand away from the babies back to pull out the high chair from the corner, setting the baby down in it before pulling it along with him to the counter beside the fridge.

Springtrap didn't know if the baby had been fed or not, it wasn't awake earlier when everyone was in the kitchen eating, but even so, that had been a few hours ago.

It was nearly pitch black in the Kitchen, the only light source being the pale light of the moon shining in through the window. The bright light of the fridge made Springtraps eyes shrink and momentarily caused him to pause before he got used to the light so he could actually see inside.

A deep hum escapes him as he looks around before he bends down to grab something on the bottom shelf.

".. Springy?"

Springtrap jolts and hits his head on the top shelf above before he actually pulled himself out.

" Oh, Deliah. I thought you were asleep." He tilts his head and steps out of the way of the fridge door, shutting it before he walked over to grab a spoon out of the drawer.

Deliah rubbed her eyes as she stepped into the kitchen, her hair messy from sleep. " I just woke up.. what're you doing with the baby?" " Feeding it." Springtrap stepped back over to the Highchair and twisted the top off of the canned baby food in one single twist.

Deliah walked over to the table and sat down in the chair across from where Springtrap stood with the baby, watching him put the spoon into the baby food to scoop up a little bit.

" I didn't know that you knew how to feed babies." " Of course I do, it's easy."

Springtrap bent down a little bit to be level with the infant in the high chair, holding the spoon up to its lips as it almost immediately opened its mouth for the spoonful.

".. You've been acting weird." Deliah says after a few seconds of silence as Springtrap focused on feeding the baby.

Springtrap scoffed and looked over at the girl. " I'm a giant bunny, of course I'm weird."

" No, like—" Deliah leaned over on the table a little bit. " Ever since they showed up, you've just been acting weird around them."

Springtraps ears perked up and his shoulders slumped over a little bit.

" A-and what even happened earlier? I saw this big Bruise on their neck while we were eating, they didn't have that befo—"

Springtrap set the baby food down and stepped over to Deliah, scooping the girl up in his arms.

" Oh, Deliah, you poor thing~" Springtrap feigned, patting the girls hair with a large paw. " Those nightmares you've been having must've gotten to your poor, tiny brain." He set his chin atop her head as he hugged her tight.

" Wha— No—!" " Oh hush, you poor child," Springtrap set Deliah down, the girl loosing her footing and landing on her butt on top of the tiles.

" Go get some rest, you have school in the morning." The bunny urged, wrapping his hands underneath her arms and standing her up right, patting her on the back to get her out of the kitchen.

" You didn't let me—" " Go on," Springtrap gave her a firm, yet soft, shove on the back, making the girl give up as she was pushed out of the kitchen and sent back to bed.

Once Deliahs footsteps disappeared down the hall, Springtrap turned to the baby before grabbing a paper towel from the countertop.

" What a mess.." He muttered, wiping off the baby's little hands and face before he picked the infant back up.

" ma-ma," " Is that what you call them? They hardly look like a ma-ma to me," He said slyly when the baby recognized your face on the pictures hung up on the wall of the hallway before he grabbed the doorknob and twisted it open.

" Oh fuck," The door creaks open and Springtrap steps in, gritting his teeth when he spots the white enigmas surrounding you while you slept in bed.

He stomped over and swatted his hand over your head, shooing the Ghost Children away.

" I knew it was too quiet when I was alone! Get away from them!" He whisper-yells at the white figments before turning and placing the baby down in the crib.

The ghost children giggled behind him and soon felt a soft breeze from where they were circling around him.

" Why do you try so hard to get them to like you?" One of the kids whispers.

" They hate you~"

" i know," Springtrap says sadly, tucking the baby in and rubbing its head as it falls asleep before He moves away from the crib and stands over at the bed, looming over your sleeping form.

" but you don't understand," He continues, reaching a hand out to your face and ghosting his fingertips on your cheek.

" They have what I want, I just want to be apart of it.." He grabs a lock of hair and pushes it behind your ear. " I didn't hurt them on Purpose," the animatronic snarls, turning his head to the Children.

" You hurt us on purpose."

Springtrap falls silent, moving his head back to look at you.

" Honestly, what's stopping you from lashing out again?" The ghosts start to circle around him again. " You and them are gonna be alone tomorrow, what's gonna stop you from taking what you want and getting rid of what you don't need?"

Springtrap growls under his breath before standing up straight and heading to the door, not replying to their words, yet his head was swarming.

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