13 •Father's Children

Start from the beginning

Dammit, why do I feel so...

He sank to his bottom, pulling his knees to his chest his ears filled with the water, muffling his hearing and his hair flowed upwards, waving at the curious fish that ebbed towards him.

And then, he felt large hands grab under his armpits and lift him up effortlessly from under the water.

He gasped, coughing as Yu Mi held his body above the water.

"What," cough. "The hell?!" He pushed his bangs back as he squinted at the large man.

And then his jaw dropped slightly.

He was naked.

Of course he is... I mean, who would go inside of a lake with clothes on...

But his eyes were stuck on the man's hard flesh pressed against his stomach.

"Why are you hard?"

He didn't mean for the question to come out. It was just... On his mind.

Yu Mi rose his brows, glancing downwards before releasing Dokja.

"A natural reaction."

I suppose...

Holy shit, is it bigger than Junghyeoks?!

He gaped in horror as Yu grabbed his flesh, pumping the shaft rather slowly. Dokja's eyes flickered upwards, and he saw that the man's attention was focused solely on what he was doing.

"Stop that!" He hissed through his teeth. Dokja sharply smacked Yu's hand, turning over his shoulder to see if the little boy had been near to witness such a sight.

Gilyung was far enough that Dokja could barely make out the sight of his eyes.
He turned back towards Yu, who was staring at him with a confused expression.

"Why are you doing that here?"

Yu's head tilted.
"To make it soft."

Oh, what the hell.

"You could have just— oh my," Dokja ran both of his hands into his hair, down his face before settling in his mouth.

"I only asked why it was hard."

The large man's eyes flicked down.


The flesh was harder than before, pressing into Dokja's stomach and he couldn't deny how it was beginning to arouse him.

He wanted to touch it.

But his mind briefly thought of Junghyeok.

He shook his head, pressing his hands on Yu's chest.

Why was he so close to him?

Immediately, he felt hands on his waist, pressing him closer and he bit the corner of his lip.

"Am I arousing you?" It was deep and smooth, as if he was simply asking what the date was.

Dokja huffed, squeezing his eyes shut.

He wouldn't answer such a question.

He felt one hand slide up from his slim waist and to his face.

"Do you wish for me to move? I apologize for how close I am..." He murmured as he pulled his other hand away.

Dokja was fully aroused now.

·After Dark· AN ORV FANFICTION- KIM DOKJA X YOO JUNGHYEOKWhere stories live. Discover now