A Christmas Special

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It was Christmas in the ES Treehouse and Pearl finished shopping for the presents, when suddenly... *poof* there was a present for Pearl but from no one

Pearl: Thank you, whoever you are

And then the Squad came downstairs

Crystal and Silvia: IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!!!

Dig: Let's go!

Sunshine: Am I'm in the nice list, Daddy?

Speed: I'm sure you are!

Dig: Ok, Let's see what everyone got for Christmas!

First, it was Speed

Speed: *opens his present* Nice it's a headband *puts it on* How do I look?

Lazuli: C-cute *blushes*

Speed: Wait what?

Lazuli: N-nothing!

Next was Flare

Flare: *opens his present* Wow, it's a pocky! *opens the warper and takes one out to eat it*
Crystal: Not on my watch! *grabs the picky and the bag*

Flare: Big sis, I can handle it.

Crystal: Yeah, but it's just to be safe.

Flare: Oh ok.

Next it was Crystal

Crystal: *opens her present* Woah, it's  water stone earrings, it must be limited edition.

Speed: But your ears are fins.

Crystal: Then I'll just call then finrings.

Speed: O-k?

Next is was Pearl

Pearl: *opens her present* Wow, it's a shoothe bell on a pink ribbon! *puts it on* What do you think?

Black: *tries not to blush* N-nice.

Pearl: Thanks!

Next it was Black

Black: *opens his present* It's a red scarf... just like my brother's... *puts it on* It's nice.

Black (Thinking): I'll never forget you, Frost.

Next it was Lazuli

Lazuli: *opens her present* This is inserting, *takes these items out of the box which are a winter bow and an ice stone bracelet* Should I wear them?

Speed: I don't see why not.

Lazuli: *puts them on* How do I look?

Speed: Pretty cute!

Lazuli: T-thanks *blushes*

Next it was Leaf

Leaf: *opens her present* Wow, It's a lilly, what should I do with it?

Flare: I know, plant it in the garden!

Leaf: Great idea! *goes outside to plant it and comes back inside*

Next it was Silvia

Silvia: *opens her present* Wow, It's a Sylveon bow *puts it on* How do I look?

Black: Cute.

Pearl: *tries not to be jealous*

Next it was Sunshine

Sunshine: *opens her present* Look, it's plushes of big sis Pearl and mommy!

Lazuli: *blushes*

Next it was Axel

Axel: *opens his present* Cool, it's googles *puts them on* How do I look?

Pearl: Cool!

Sunshine: Great!

And lastly it was Dig

Dig: *opens his gift* Woah, A VR Gaming Headset, I always wanted it! But anyways it's time for to say MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Everyone but Black: MERRY CHRISTMAS

Black: Merry Christmas, I guess.

(Sorry it took a long time to upload but it's here, Happy Holidays!)

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