Eeveelution Squad Generations (Part 2.5 Meanwhile)

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As the 9 friends blasted off to the next one's past, Speed asks a question

Speed: Hey Dig?

Dig: Yeah?

Speed: If we're traveling through the past then... back the present... SUNSHINE!!!

Pearl: AND AXEL!!!

Dig: Oh shoot I forgot about them... Maybe I should call somemon... or them, You know what I'm gonna call the Treehouse phone *dials the number*

Meanwhile back at the Present...

Sunshine and Axel was playing in Speed's room when they heard a buzzing sound

Sunshine: Axel, what's that sound?

Axel: I think it's a phone, I saw Mom and Dad use one.

Sunshine: Should we pick it up?

Axel: Sure!

And so the Eevee and Shiny Eevee walked towards the phone and picked it up

Sunshine: Hello?

Dig: Hey it's me Dig, are you guys ok?

Axel: Yep!

Sunshine: Aye!

Dig: Ok good, we're gonna be gone for a while so do you need somemon to watch you guys?

Sunshine: No thanks, big bro Dig, we can take care of ourselves!

Dig: Oh ok, See ya *hangs up* They said that the are fine

Speed: Good *sighs of relief*

And so the 9 friends warped into the next friend's past...

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