Chapter 322 - Blood Test Results

Start from the beginning

"Yes, I am sure, Lillian." Alura replies.

"Very well then." Lillian nods, "I will go and retrieve the syringes to draw the blood from the three of us. I think it might be best if you draw the blood from me first, as we don't know how weak the two of you might be after being exposed to the red sun lamps, or how long it will last. This way, if you remain weak, at least I can get on with testing the blood against the harun-el."

"Yes, okay. That sounds like a good idea." Lena says.

Lillian now leaves the room, leaving Lena and Alura alone.

"How is Alex doing?" Alura asks Lena, now that they are alone.

"She's...... doing about as well as can be expected, to be honest. She just told me that she blames herself for all of this happening. She kind of is in a bit of a hopeless space right now, thinking that we won't ever be able to get Sam back for her and everything, while also carrying guilt for all the people who were hurt or died in the attack on the DEO today." Lena explains, "I, of course, spent time building her up again, and telling her none of this is her fault, and trying to reassure her that we do have hope, that maybe this is something."

"You are a good sister-in-law." Alura says, with a smile.

"Thank you." Lena says back, "But, I don't see it that way. Alex isn't my sister-in-law, she's just my sister. I will admit, when I first met Alex, things were a bit bumpy at first. Alex didn't really trust me, because of my brother, and what he had done. However, as time went on, and I continued to date Kara, and spend time with Kara, Alura and Alex too, we grew closer. So, when Kara and I got married, Alex was happy to tell me that we are just sisters, and I agree. I love Alex, just like a sister. She is the sibling I wish my brother was."

"I see...." Alura says, while growing a bit of a confused look on her face, "I hope you don't mind me asking, but you mentioned your brother a few times just then. I had no idea, until now, that you even had a sibling..... What.... what is the issue there?"

In this moment, Lena kind of freezes a little bit, because she realises that unless she brushes Alura off, or just comes up with a lie, she will have to tell Alura the full truth about what Lex has done to Kara, to Clark, and to everyone on this planet. The prospect of telling Alura all that very much freaks Lena out, because she has no idea how Alura will react to it. Lena doesn't know if Alura will be like Kara, not judging her for her brother's actions, or like a lot of the other people on Earth, who have always judged Lena, simply because she bares the same last name as her half-brother. So, right now, Lena is pretty terrified. Lena knows how important Alura is to Kara, so she obviously doesn't want to screw up her own relationship with Kara's birth mom. Ultimately though, Lena knows that brushing Alura off, or just coming up with some lie, will likely be much worse in the long run than simply just telling Alura the truth. So, after taking a deep breath, Lena decides she might as well tell Alura everything.

"Well, my brother, Lex, he's dead now. He died just over a year and a bit ago. But, he was a bad person." Lena says, beginning to explain things, "It wasn't always that way. So, I first met Lex when I was 4-years-old, after my birth mom died, or, at the time, until recently, I thought she died. After that, I was taken in by the Luthor family, which included Lex, Lillian and Lionel Luthor. Lionel was my birth father, he'd had an affair with my mother, but he had nothing to do with me until he heard the news that my mom had died. Anyway, like I said, I met Lex when I was 4, and at the time I thought he was a good brother. He was attentive to me, when both Lillian and Lionel were not, for their own reasons. It felt like I may have lost my mom, but I'd at least gained a brother. Of course, nothing could replace her, but it made the hurt less. However, as we grew older, Lex, he became a much more sinister person, and soon I realised that everything I had experienced with Lex growing up, had just been a manipulation on his part. Lex never cared for me, he only pretended to care so he could practice his manipulation on me from a young age, and then have mastered it by the time he reached adulthood. Anyway, after that, Lionel died, and Lex took over the family business, which at the time was called Luthor Corp. He became obsessed with creating technologies and enriching the family, which was mostly via the production of weapons. There was an article that named him as the 'man of tomorrow' for some of his futuristic inventions. That article really made Lex's ego grow massively. So, eventually, when this man who could fly faster than a speeding bullet, have bullets bounce off him, and save people with his strength and other abilities, began to appear in Metropolis, Lex didn't like that. I'm talking about Kal-El, of course. Then, when it was revealed that Kal was an alien, that drove Lex even more into ego driven madness. Lex became obsessed over Superman, and hated that now Superman was being seen as the 'man of tomorrow' not him. This led to Lex creating a vendetta against all aliens, believing that alien's existence on earth created a threat to humanity. From this, Lex gained the support of a few people, and it allowed him to start doing things, which basically led to him trying to kill Superman on multiple occasions. During these attempts to kill Superman, while Kal remained unharmed, other people did die, but Lex was able to get out of any responsibility from the attacks because he was good at covering his tracks, and had good lawyers. Eventually though, things came to ahead where Lex went on a reign of terror in an attempt to kill Superman, and killed many many people. I had to be the one to stop him. I wore a wire while Lex confessed everything to me, in his fit of madness, with him holding me hostage. The FBI came in to arrest him soon after. But, after that, things didn't stop there. Even in prison, Lex was able to continue to carry out his plans. This included him going after Kara, as well as Superman. I don't really want to get into things, but that did all come to ahead, and eventually Lex did die when his own plan to kill Kara backfired on him. Anyway, because I am known to be the sister of Lex, people have always judged me, and looked at me, thinking that I am just like him, that as we were raised in the same house, I must have the same morals as him. It doesn't matter that I helped stop him. People just think I did that to save myself. But..... that about sums things up."

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