Chapter 322 - Blood Test Results

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Lena has now left Alex alone in the medical bay, allowing the redhead to get some more rest after their talk. Right now, Lena is heading for Alura and Lillian, hoping that the two are finished with the yellow sun lamps, so they can get on with what they need to do now, drawing blood from all three of them. Once Lena makes it over to the room where the yellow sun lamps are, she is able to see that the yellow sun lamps are off, so the brunette CEO opens the door and heads inside the room. After Lena enters the room, she confirms to herself, once more, that all the sun lamps are off, and she sees that presently Lillian is just taking a closer look at Alura's hand, clearly to make sure that the kryptonian has healed properly from the exposure to the yellow sun lamps.

"Hello." Lena says, "Has everything gone alright in here?"

"Oh, hello, dear." Lillian says, as she looks up at Lena, clearly not realising she was in the room until the CEO spoke up, "Yes, I think everything is fine. I'm just giving Alura a once over right now, before we proceed with drawing some blood under red sun lamps. It seems that her wound on her hand has healed up completely."

"That's good." Lena nods, "How are you feeling, Alura?"

"I feel.... a lot better to be honest. I kind of feel like I'm buzzing with energy right now. In fact, I feel better now than I did before I even touched the harun-el." Alura says, with a smile.

"That's good." Lena nods, "You'll need to be a bit careful now, for the next few moments, and try and not get overwhelmed. Just like Kara and I, and Reign I guess, as well as Morgan and Alura, you have powers here on Earth, due to the yellow sun, and those yellow sun lamps would have boosted your powers. Usually this is fine when we use them on Kara. But the difference between you and Kara is Kara has had several years to learn how to control her powers, you haven't. Believe me, controlling these powers can be very difficult. I very much struggle with it myself. I remember the first time I got the ability to fly, I had to call Kara, as I literally started floating up in the air, towards the ceiling of my office. Kara then came and put me back down on the ground, and took a while to teach me how not to randomly fly. It was difficult, and it is still a bit difficult at times, and I really haven't even tried to test any other powers I might have. So, my point is, you are not used to these powers, so you might lose control if you're not careful, especially after being exposed to those yellow sun lamps."

"Okay." Alura nods, "Thank you for warning me, I will try and be very careful. But, may I ask, what powers exactly does my daughter have under this yellow sun? Kara did mention a few to me when she was talking about herself on Argo, but she probably didn't mention everything."

"Well, she can fly, has super strength, super speed, she's incredibly strong, her skin is impenetrable, she has x-ray vision, as well as laser vision, and she can blow with her breath to create freeze breath and freeze things. I don't believe I have missed anything." Lena says.

"Wow. That is truly fascinating." Alura says back, "My husband and I knew that Kara would gain some powers, under Earth's yellow sun, when we sent her here to Earth, but we had no idea just the extent of the powers she would gain."

"Yeah." Lena says, with a smile, "Well, maybe once all of this is over, you can talk with her about them. I'm sure she would be more than happy to share with you everything that she can do on Earth, and show them off to you."

"Yes, I'd like that." Alura says, with a nod of her head, "But let's focus on the task in hand right now, shall we? We can get to all that later."

"Yes." Lena nods, with her own smile, "Mother, have you finished looking Alura over now?"

"Yes. I believe so." Lillian replies, "I haven't found anything to suggest that Alura here is still carrying an injury or something, and therefore it would be dangerous to put her under a red sun lamp. Alura, are you sure you are okay?"

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