Mr. Osbourne and Valarie stared at her in awe until her laugh gradually came to a stop. They looked at each other the same time. Valarie widened her eyes and subliminally shook her head from left to right. Osbourne definitely agreed.

"Okay Ms. Taylor. That will be all. We'll give you a call if you get accepted."

She rose from her chair and shook his hand one last time before exiting.

"That was awkward!" Valarie said when the door closed.

Osbourne laughed. "She's still okay compared to others that I've met."

He phoned his assistant. "Send in the next person" he instructed.

Valarie's lips creased open when the next being walked in. Dark muffled hair, grey-blue eyes and a sharp jawline mounted upon a carefully chiseled body about six feet tall. The metallic grey suit that fell perfectly on his body did nothing but compliment him. He strolled confidently towards them until he brought himself to a stop. With hands placed casually in pockets, he ignored Valarie completely and kept his focus on Mr. Osbourne.

"So, which part of this place are you assigning me to?" he questioned boldly.

Valarie furrowed her brows then proceeded to raise an eyebrow. Already a strike one. Her biggest turn off in a guy was arrogance. Who the hell did he think he was walking in there without introducing himself, skipping the interview and demanding his place in the company? She forced the hormones already reacting to his presence back into their cage and took advantage of the role her boss had given her today.

"Excuse me?" she folded her arms.

The man diverted his eyes to her only for a second then returned them to Mr. Osbourne. A wave of heat passed through her veins and she clenched her fists. She scanned him from head to toe. "Oh gawd" she breathed silently as her eyes browsed over the facial hair groomed neatly on his face. She cursed inwardly and wiped the thought. There was no way that she was going to let herself morph into jello for such a guy.

She coached herself "Okay, he is nothing but a piece of shit. Now carry on Valarie."

"I said excuse me" she got his attention again.

"Who the hell do you think you are coming in here and demanding your place when you are not even sure if you even got accepted or not?"

His lips shifted erotically into a one sided smile and his eyes caught hers. She swallowed the lump in her throat and glared at him.

"I didn't exactly catch your name sir" she spoke powerfully.

The man again disregarded her and turned his attention back to Mr. Osbourne.

"Your name!" Valarie demanded.

He turned his head to face her once more, annoyance clear on his features.

"Dimitri" he answered, the name rolling off his tongue and tickling her inner air.

"Well Dimitri, you are already off to a bad start here. You have no right to approach-"

She wasn't given a chance to finish.

"Osbourne" Dimitri said matter of fact, as if it was his golden ticket out of her wrath.

Valarie froze and allowed the name to sink in.

"Osbourne?" she questioned more to herself than anything.

"Yes" he said harshly without removing his gaze from her.

Valarie raised both eyebrows slowly and turned her attention to Mr. Osbourne whose eyes were already on her.

My Boss's SonWhere stories live. Discover now