My Best Friend Is A Vampire

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She had a sheepish grin. It quickly became close-lipped as Kitty and Blondie flinched with her fangs.

Draculaura: Sorry.

Frankie: Zombies aren't all that bad, really! You just, had a very bad strain of the virus, and it made you behave badly. But, hey, you know, sounds like curses are pretty common here!

Frankie saw Cedar shaking her head. Blondie seemed more horrified as Kitty looked angered.

Frankie: Or, uh, bad spells? No, uh, hexes? Uh-

Cleo: If I may...

Cleo steped a bit closer while Frankie stopped talking.

Cleo: You know, I get it. You have had quite a horrific day, and you are not trusting of us because of what you went through. That is perfectly understandable. Truly, really!

She kneeled in front of Blondie and Kitty.

Cleo: I mean, if I had to be turned into a completely different thing other than a mummy and be aware of doing horrible things, I'd hate anyone associate with it too. It happened to me too, if I'm allowed to share.

Raven nodded.

Raven: Go ahead.

Cleo: I, I used to be human too. Truthfully. I was human like you, and I thought I knew everything around me. How there were only humans and no one else.

Cleo sat down as she saw Kitty and Blondie relax more.

Cleo: Then I...well, I'm not exactly human anymore, so there's that. And then I began to learn a lot about the monster world, and I learned so much more about myself because of it. I met a lot of incredible people through it, and I've formed some of the strongest relationships one could only imagine. Even though I was absolutely scared out of my wits when I realized I was a mummy.

Blondie: When you realized? You didn't know immediately?

Cleo: I thought I just woke up from my cursed sleep and was fine. I didn't realize that the curse changed me. For me, at least, it took a little nudge here and there, a lot of stress tears, and the occasional angry outburst to finally get used to it all. But that took years. I- I know you're both still in the shock phase of this, but, if you wouldn't mind, perhaps I could walk you through the rest of it?

Blondie kept silent as she almost wringed the water bottle in her gasp. Her gaze wasn't malicious, no, just full of uncertainty and fear. Kitty's ears perked up just a tad as she held the book to her chest.

Kitty: Did- did you changing to a mummy make you hurt people?

Cleo: Hurt people? No- well, not physically at least.

Cleo shook her head.

Cleo: I- I did let the wealth and popularity of my new status get to my head. Inflated ego, you know? I didn't really say the nicest things or treat people the best, and I really did not deserve to get away with a lot of what I did. I was pretty terrible until these ghouls set me straight.

Draculaura: Even then we still need to tell her to not buy out concert tickets just because she doesn't like the crowds.

Cleo: Oh shush. But, I still have my bad days. I still say bad things every now and then, but now I realize that I'm actually being awful and trying to not be awful. Frankly, I was worse when I was human. Which makes sense of a lot of things.

She looked at her bandages.

Frankie: I-I was human too. In a sense, I mean. Not like Cleo, but, I do have human parts, and monster parts. I'm- I'm an odd example. It was weird realizing that I wasn't really like the other kids in terms of my creation and functionality. It was even weirder realizing that no one looked at me funny for it. Course, that is the normal for our world.

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