30 Days of Night

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You were wise in splitting everyone up into groups, and making sure that every populated spot was covered. Team Fangs was covering the front of the school, including the courtyard, front steps, and garden. Team Talons had the inside of the buildings, so the dorms and classrooms. Team Spikes had the athletics field, where the pool, track ring, bookball field, and Dragon Games stadium were. Lots of ground had to be covered. Good thing that the teams were the best of the best. And they had some expert shots when it came to the curing process-

Frankie: I can't help it! Arcade shooter games are so fun! Besides I can get enough tickets to get free stuffed animals!

Cleo and Draculaura look at her in surprise, with Cupid on the ground and taking some spare charges from Ghoulia. Nevermore was also standing to attention by the tree barricade.

Draculaura: Frankie, who are you talking to?

Frankie: Lexi! Oh, right, you ghouls can't hear her. Apparently there are narrators in this world that help push the story long, and she regularly interacts with the characters. Or, Maddie and Kitty at least. Those two are the only people that can hear her. Except for me now!

Clro: Ohh, a narrator? So it's like that thing you do where you kind of zone out and talk to no one in particular?

Frankie: Sort of!

The plan was that each team would lure out any number of zombies, and bring them by the curing team. They would be injected with the cure, and then after climbing over the wall, Nevermore would fly them back towards the orchard. Raven, Cedar, and the other Ever After High students stayed back at the orchard so they could help recoup their friends. Ghoulia's also managed to rig a communication system in both the ICoffins and MirrorPhones, so that anyone could communicate with anyone. It would prepare the team in the orchard and not have anyone surprised. Now, it just fell onto how the zombies reacted.

Clawdeen: Here princey princey princey!

Clawdeen was skating circles around Hopper, who was doing his best to try and tackle her. Her left-ear had an ear-piece with a wire leading down to her belt, where her ICoffin was connected. She clicked on a button.

Clawdeen: Cedar, what's the deal with the frog prince here? I thought the princesses got curses here!

Cedar: No, princes can get curses in our world. Hopper shouldn't be too terrible. He just turns into a frog when he's tongue-tied.

Clawdeen: Yeah, I don't think he's tongue-tied.

Clawdeen kept taunting Hopper before changing the channel.

Clawdeen: Lagoona, Rochelle, how are you ghouls doing?

Lagoona: Coming up on your left with a right pair of bogans!

Clawdeen flipped Hopper on his back, then looked over. The swimmer was skating over, with Sparrow and Tucker were chasing after her.

Lagoona: Blokes were screeching like a couple of banshees and almost broke me eardrums. I don't know if they're trying to be punk, but they sure are pricks!

Rochelle: Ghouls, I've got another to our group!

Rochelle was skating out of the front doors. Rosabella barreled right after her.

Rochee: I do believe that the zombies have hit stage 4.

She skated along with Clawdeen and Lagoona, with their zombies following right after them.

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