Chapter 4: 3rd Night

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(They were then awake around at the afternoon. They need some relaxation after a terrible confrontation with the animatronics last night.)

Liam: So, what do you guys want to do during this time before we head back to the diner?

Thomas: I know what we can play. My siblings have this game.

Johnny: He's right! Lily, bring out the game!

(Lily went inside the house and brings out the boardgame. It was called Dodge or Drae.)

Lily: This is a game we made! It's called Dodge or Dare! You roll the dice and take a card.

Champ: Hmm. I guess it can be okay.

Matthew: Let's give it a try.

Gumball: Alright. It's time to play...

All: Dodge or Dare! Roll the dice, take a card! [Takes out a card]

Johnny: Dare! You have to throw the ball onto the moon using only objects from the trash!

Thomas: [Stretches his arms] Ha! Just watch and learn. [Quickly builds a Rube-Goldberg machine] Yes! [Blows out a marble]

[The marble moves through the machine and eventually makes a bowling ball fly to Johnny's direction]

Johnny: Aaaahh! [Covers his face with his hands as the ball is about to hit his face]

[The ball's movement is suddenly paused]

Matthew: Hey, the card says, "No hands".

[Johnny sighs and hardens his face to receive the ball. The ball suddenly moves again and bounces back from his face]

Johnny: Ow. That hurt.

Lily: Johnny, are you okay?

Johnny: Yes. I'm fine.

(Later on, at night, they made their way to the pizza place. It was thunder storming when they were walking.  It was after dark as they return to the pizzeria around 11:45. The moment they arrived, the seven didn't hesitate to head on to the office quickly. They knew the animatronics would come after them once midnight strikes.)

Grace: Oh man, how long is this going to go on?

Thomas: It's going to be okay, Grace. We only have two more nights to go and we're done.

(The phone rings)

Matthew: Hey, it's phone guy again.

(Thomas picks up the phone)

Phone Guy: Hello? Oh, um, nice to see you're here tonight. I see that you're doing great! Uh most people don't last this long. I mean, you know, th-they usually move on to other things by now. This is usually the quitting point, uh, the only guy I can remember staying longer than this was, uh, some Avery guy, or something. I'm not implying that they died. Th-Th-That's not what I meant.

Champ: Uh huh. Sure.

Phone Guy: Listen, uh, tonight things get a bit more complicated. Like it's getting real tonight. But you've done a good job. You managed to save the power great, so just keep up the good work you've done. Oh, I should mention something. A month ago, after we closed this place for the day, we brought in some engineers the other day, and he couldn't find the problem with the robots. The lead engineer said they looked to be in perfect condition, so he could not really understand the problem. We explained our problem, though, so he tried his best either way. We all left them to do the work as we left to go home for the night. And suddenly, we came back, and they weren't around. We thought they left, and they did not leave us a note or a message. But we just assume that they just left unexpectedly. Don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. But I better not take too much of your time.

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