"You're overthinking everything Dad, that's not gonna happen I swear," Lisa tightened her embrace.

Her dad gave in as he rubbed her nape, succumbing to his daughter's embrace, "Lisa, you're only 20, you're too young to be leaving your old man,"

He sighed, "You're too precious for me to let you go," "My only child,"

"I know people picture me as a tyrant, cold, and strict, but to you my dear.. everything melts," "You're my only one, and the reason I run the company was for your future," "I have and must protect you to the best I can,"

"And that is why I have to leave Dad," Lisa pulled enough to see her father's worried face, she smiled, "I have to be strong because the moment I turn 25 and debut into the business world like what grandfather says on the will," "Everything will change,"

"I have to be strong, and I can only build it when I'm independent and not protected like a fragile doll," She reasoned, "Just like what grandfather told me, to live among your people is the best way to learn how to an efficient leader,"

"So please let me be on my own for 5 years, I promise I'll come back strong," Lisa answered.

Her father looks at her into her eyes. He can see her determination firm and unbreakable. She already looked too strong in his view, he didn't understand why her grandfather challenged her to bring her legacy to their billion-dollar company when she could just resume what he had done.

But if it is his father who told her that, then that means he has a reason for doing this to his only granddaughter.

"Alright, I understand you," Her father nodded as Lisa gave him a satisfied smile, "But do not forget, you are my daughter, your name is in the noble family tree that was a long list of dynasties from nobles to generals to businesses and now to you,"

"You are a Cheon, the ruler of the Skye," "You are one a kind woman whom people will look up to once the public knows about you," "I will try and conceal your identity for the next five years, but other than that you are going back to business and reveal yourself to the world,"

"You cannot hide from the people Lisa, cause you're the skye, people give their trust in you,"

"Always remember that,"

Lisa knew her father was right, she should be here not in a place where she knew nothing of it. A place that is not inhabited by many businesses that she can get experience from for her future. Skye "Trust the Sky," is the company that her grandfather built up after the Korean War. Ever since then, people looked up at Cheon as a sky. They believe that everyone who follows them will have good fortune, so every generation maintains the family's significance. However even if she wanted to stay and follow her father's footsteps, her grandfather has a different path for her to inherit the Skye.

"You must not depend on what's here, and build your life independently,"

At first, she doesn't understand such a thing what the lawyer told her, but then she realizes that every generation of Cheon has a legacy, and that includes her father who probably didn't realize that he made a significant change in their dynasty. The rapid growth of the economy was one factor after her father introduced technology in the country.

The weak accomplishment at the age of 20, made her feel lacking in many ways. From that point, she knew, her grandfather saw this as a way to push her to bring her legacy to the company. And that starts with her exploring things from the south. Where nobody in their family has ever discovered possibilities. She became determined to pursue her legacy, and now she's moving out.

On the way to her independence, she felt quite scared of the outcome of the next five years. Who she'll meet there, what kind of independence she would get, and if she can create her own business in that very place.

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