Power Of The Lost

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Jensen peered into a melted window in search of his beloved protector Cloak. Where was she? All Jensen found was a small green backpack. it was slightly burnt, but he found a blue jacket in it. He didn't need it, so he saved it for later. He brushed some ashes off of his red shirt and searched for more stuff. He found what looked like a portable music player. It wasn't charged, so he put it in his pack. Jensen searched for Cloak until he gave up. He felt betrayed. How could Cloak his best and only friend leave him all alone again? He had no one to hug when he got scared. No hand to hold, no one to walk him through the woods. He wandered Was cloak a dream? Who was the person who chased him in his dream? Was it cloak? He had so many questions but no one to ask them to, or atlas ask with his eyes. No one.

He heard a voice call out his name. Was it cloak? Jensen ran towards the sound of the voice leaping over broken cement and rubble. he scraped his knee, but didn't care as long as cloak was there.

"Jensen where are you?" It was Cloak! Jensen ran until he saw a cloaked figure calling out his name. he waved madly until he caught Cloaks attention.

"Jensen!" She exclaimed. "There you are." Jensen ran over to her as cloak held out her arms. Jensen ran faster and leapt into Cloaks arms. They hugged each other tightly.

"I thought I lost you for a moment there, I heard some people so i wanted to see who they were. The voice led me to these ruins. You were still sleeping and i didn't want to leave you alone so I tried to find a place where I could put you down safely. i was searching for hours for the voices, but found nothing. i had forgotten where I put you so I was searching yet again. i thought you would be awake by then. So I started calling out your name. " Cloak explained.

She looked at the backpack that was on Jensen "i see you've been exploring lately too huh?" She said adjusting the straps so they weren't so tight "There you go Jensy,that should feel better. " Jensen rolled his shoulders and smiled widely. He wasn't particularly fond of being called Jensy but because it was Cloak he didn't mind.

"HELLO?" A voice said. Jensen backed up; It sounded like the voice from his dream. Cloak looked in the direction of the voice. Her gaze moved to Jensen. The poor boy looked terrified, he was shaking. He grabbed onto Cloak's arm and hid behind her.

"Whats wrong Jensy?" Cloak asked. A tall figure ran out into the clearing.

"Hello. And who might you be?" Cloak asked the figure. The tall man stomped up to cloak grabbed her throat and lifted her into the air. Her cloak was long enough to still cover Jensen.

"Where is the boy!?" The man screamed at cloak. "W-what are you talking about? What boy." Cloak stuttered. The man's face reddened. "The boy you're with. Where is he? Give him to me!" The man screamed. Jensen panted hard, crying silently behind the cloak. His friend was getting hurting he couldn't do anything. He watched helplessly as the man took out a knife and threatened to stab Cloak if she didn't tell him where Jensen was hiding. "You wouldn't dare.." Cloak choked out. Her face was starting to turn blue. Jensen clenched his fists. This was too much. he stepped out from behind cloak and put both his hands front of him, aiming at the man that was hurting Cloak. A strong wind rushed through the ruined city, sweeping up dirt and ash. The man looked around,confused .He looked down at Jensen to see that his eyes were glowing white, and that he was floating slightly off the ground. Jensen pulled back his hands, and thrust them forwards, Forcing a giant gust of wind at the man. Sending him flying. Cloak fell hard on the concrete floor, her hand on her throat. She was gasping for air. Jensen's Eyes faded back to their normal golden color and he slowly descended to the ground. Out of breath and tired. Cloak caught Jensen as he fell towards the ground. holding the boy and he slowly drifted into unconsciousness.

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