Take It As It Comes.

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Jensen had long forgotten about Vienna's death, which shocked him a little. He pressed his fist to his head. This was to much to take in. He had to be right. It had to last for three nights until Vienna disappeared forever. He hoped that he would still see her in his dreams, but Jensen wasn't supposed to dream.

He didn't eat, drink or anything everyone else had to do to survive. He was invincible , but he didn't know it. Jensen had witnessed his own powers, and he was scared because he knew why that man was after him. Jensen was a weapon. He was powerful, yet he didn't know it. He had destroyed the city, his own city, but he had no memory of it until now. He realized this too fast, he had to sit down and think it through. His vision flashed and he was no longer on a rock alone in the middle of the forest. He was in a bed. In a house comfortable and safe . He blinked and Jensen returned to the forest. He looked around in confusion. It was night. He stood up looking around. When he had sat down before, it was in the morning not even close to night, but now it was. Poor Jensen was confused as ever. He decided to head back to Cloak and Vienna.

"There you are Jensy." Vienna exclaimed as Jensen walked nervously with his head down. She looked at him. "Whats wrong Jensen?" She asked. Cloak looked concerned. Jensen lifted his head of reveal he was crying. Vienna ran to him followed by Cloak. "Oh Sweetie its okay you'll see me another time." Vienna cooed. She hugged him and smoothed back hasher. He was scared and confused, and the thought that no one understood besides Cloak and Vienna. That night sitting up between sleeping Cloak and vienna, looking at the beautiful stars, Jensen wondered who Cloak really was. He knew her name was Nicole Eye. She looked familiar but he just couldn't put his finger on it. Was cloak dead? Is that why she always wore the cloak? Jensen put his fist to his head in frustration. He couldn't think straight.

"You think to much Jensen. Why is that? Your a young boy you should be thinking about other things. Not how your sister should be dead and who I am." Cloak said, putting a gentle hand on Jensen's shoulder. "You worry to much, you think more than you should be thinking. You act like an adult trapped inside a boys body. Why is that?" Cloak wondered. Jensen looked at the sky, pondering the answer. Who was he? Who Is Jensen Mazier? Why is he here? these were the question Jensen wished he could answer. He stared at the sky until he felt his eyes starting to droop. He was just about to pass out when a hand grabbed his face and started to drag him away from Cloak and Vienna. He was about to bite the kidnapper's hand when someone knocked him out.

Jensen woke up on a wooden bed, with strips of leather holding him down. A bandanna was wrapped around his mouth. He struggled with the leather, trying to wriggle himself free when the same man who as looking for him appeared. Jensen gasped through the bandanna. "Finally..." The man said as he pulled out a knife. "I found you and now you can't escape . Jensen Carter Mazier . I won't let you." He said as he stepped closer to Jensen . The man raised the knife high above Jensen, ready to strike.

Quickly, he swung the knife down into Jensen's chest.

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