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Here is our lovely cast!

Gidget / Princess Puffball - a young Pomeranian who can't remember her past after a stroke of amnesia but is the long lost princess of the throne

Max - a young Jack Russell terrier who is a con artist trying to get the reward for finding the lost princess but formerly worked as a servant boy in the palace

Snowball - a white rabbit who was a member of the royal guard but lost his job after the fall of the throne, now works with Max as a con artist

Empress Chloe - a tabby cat who is the empress and the former wife of the emperor, she offers a large reward to anyone who can reunite her with her long lost granddaughter who she believes is still alive

Tiberius - an undead red tailed hawk who is a practiced magician and seeks revenge against the emperor and his descendants after many wrongdoings done against him by the royal family

Daisy - a Shih Tzu who is the empress's lady in waiting and best friend who believes the long lost princess is still alive, she is also Snowball's girlfriend

Rooster - a Welsh sheepdog who is the captain of the guard who remained loyal to the royal family during and after the revolution, Max and Duke's father

Emperor Pops - an elderly basset hound who was the emperor and the former husband of Empress Chloe, he and most of his descendants are killed during the revolution

Duke - a Newfoundland mix who is a member of the royal guard just like his father, Max's brother and henceforth one of Rooster's sons

Norman - a talking pet guinea pig belonging to Tiberius, is extremely loyal but is also the voice of doubt between the duo

Buddy - a dachshund who is one of the empress's servants

Mel - a pug who is also one of the empress's servants, Buddy's bestie

Ozone - a hairless cat who is a demonic entity that is being rented out

Sweetpea - a pet parakeet belonging to Empress Chloe

Hu - a playful tiger cub that is saved from a circus by the main characters

Leonard - a poodle who is the empress's personal driver

Tiny, Princess, Pickles and George - fellow children at the orphanage

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