⭐ Back To The Galaxy⭐

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It was a good thing that Boboiboy didn't come next to the door yet and there Gopal was thrown out of the room and Boboiboy surely expected who that was...

Boboiboy: Uh...

Admiral Tarung: You didn't get up YET GOPAL!?

Gopal: Uhuh! I'm up! I'm up!

Boboiboy: Good morning Admiral!

Gopal: Good morning too Admiral!


Boboiboy and Gopal salute again and go back on their way and somehow Boboiboy looks at Gopal and makes a weird face trying to hold back his laughter..

Boboiboy: Pfft!

Gopal: Dey! What's wrong?

Boboiboy: y-you-r f-face! Hahaha!

Gopal: Hey stop laughing!

And Gopal runs to a nearby mirror to check his face and He as well, started laughing from his face. But was also mad at the same time.

His face had a joker face drawing and makeup!

Boboiboy: Hahaha!

Gopal: You did it! Didn't you!?

Boboiboy: No! I didn't!

Gopal: Yes you did! And come on! I will put some makeup for you too!

Boboiboy: uhh...No thanks! Mr. joker!

Gopal: Come here, boi!

Boboiboy: No!

Boboiboy starts running away from Gopal who chasing him like a mad dog and while Running Boboiboy thought for himself.

Boboiboy: (Reverse!!!!! He did this!!!! I'm gonna get those two!!)

He meant for Reverse Amato and Reverse mechabot.

As Boboiboy was still running and was on the way to the controller room, Reverse Amato came flying on the corridor in camouflage, which meant nobody could see him, so he put a leg forward that made Gopal trip and fall on Boboiboy.

And Boboiboy fell on the floor and both started rolling towards a bit front until they almost hit Fang.

Fang: Oi! What are you two upto!?

Yaya: What trouble had one of you caused.

Gopal: This! (Shows his face)

After looking at Gopal's joker makeup face, everyone started laughing..

Fang: Hahhah! It perfectly suits you! Hahah!

Gopal: Hey! Come on Fang! No fair!

Yaya and Ying: Since when have you become so good in doing makeup boboiboy!? Hahaha!!!

Boboiboy: Guys...I swear I didn't do it!

Yaya: And how should we believe that? Huh?

Boboiboy: if I did that. It would be worse. Not this neat! (Damn! I didn't know Reverse Amato was so good in this!)

Reverse Amato: Off course I'm good at it! Hehe~

Boboiboy: Wah!!!! What was that!!!?

Yaya and Ying: What was What!?

The Repetition Of Reverse Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon