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Jisung:“yeah, I recently started working at that casino and I hope it is going to be different now and I have a boyfriend as well”

The elder was glad that Jisung is happy with whatever he's going through lately which made him smile more widely.

Mr.Bae:“I'm happy for you, even if you live in a shit hole but I'm sure you've got people who care about you”

What he said made Jisung smile and think of all his friends, he really wouldn't who he is without them, their presence and their support in him.

Just when he was in his thoughts, there was a knock on the door.

Jisung:“yeah, and talking about which...”

Jisung walked towards the door again revealing Chan who entered with a smile.

Chan:“hey jisung,you sent me a text telling me to come..what's wrong?”

All of the gang members had agreed to put a little show in front of Mr.Bae so they would fool him that they were vigilant instead of gangsters.

Jisung:“hyung come, I'm going to introduce you to someone”

He dragged him inside and guide him towards Mr.Bar while a smile couldn't disappear from his lips.

Chan stand in front of Mr.Bae and they both exchanged an eye contact which leads Chan to turn to Jisung with a fake dumbfounded expression.

Chan:“jisung,who is...”

He whispered loudly that Mr.bae was able to hear it from a far. Then he saw Jisung looking at him with wide eyes.

Jisung:“don't you remember him, He's Mr.Bae Hyukjun”

He said with a loud tone.

Looking more close to the new guy, Mr.Bae actually recognized him immediately.

Mr.Bae:“aren't you Chsm Chris? Woah...look at you, you grow up as well...how's your dad?”

That took Chan by surprise, the elder recognized him which only shows a good sign that both him and Jisung are acing this role acting.

Chan:“my dad is fine, he's in Australia after he lost his company and he's starting again from zero”

He said with a smile, Mr.Bae know about Chan's father loosing his company but he's still doesn't know why.

Jisung soon invite them to sit down and have s little talk.

Mr.Bae took the couch with Chan while Jisung found himself a chair and sat on it.

Jisung:“the reason why I want all of us to meet is to talk about Mikey”

He went straight to the topic just after they were all comfortable sitting.

Chan:“Jisung told me that you're after him and well, so are we”

He confessed, it wasn't a lie that they were after him but how Chan let out that with a calm tone made Mr.Bae get shocked.


It was his first hearing someone other then his team know about Mikey's case.

Chan:“have you heard of the disappearance of Park Taewon, we are the one responsible for that”

The confession is to big for Mr.Bae to accept so he blinked and then let out.

Mr.Bae:“wait!! why?! He wasn't a bad person—”

Chan:“he is a heartless jerk who caused his employees so much health and salary problems”

The elder looked at him with wide eyes, he knows Taewon personally and he didn't seem like that kind of a guy.

He wondered what Chan meant by that.

Jisung:“Ajussi, we are Vigilantes and we are all after an organization that called YUI, the one that was behind my father's death”

Hyukjun was impressed of how Jisung was keeping a straight face while speaking about his father's death, he's a grown up now.

Chan:“there are other vigilantes with us that are wanting to take Mikey down”

Hyukjun wasn't actually surprised that Jisung was vigilant, it explains why he knows about Mikey but the thing he can't understand is how they after someone who they don't totally know.

Mr.Bae:“even the police don't have valid information on who Mikey is so how did you—”

Jisung:“Park Taewon was a member of the organization and we made a deal with him that we were able to get some information about Mikey in exchange for him escaping the country”

It was a smart move, but didn't they say Taewon was a bad person? then why they let escaped? Maybe he wasn't that much of a threat to them?

Chan:“we are willing to share every information we have with you but you need to include us in your plan, we all need to see Mikey getting captured”

If those information that they have are enough to capture Mikey faster then he doesn't see why he can't include the people who were the reason he's going to capture the criminal.

Mr.Bae:“sure, let's meet up with the rest of your team while I bring my most two trustworthy guys from the police station”

He stand up and walked towards the door to take his leave, Jisung followed him and opened the door for him.

Jisung:“let me accompany you outside”

He said with a smile which the older denied.

Mr.Bae:“it fine Jisung, I can go alone... I'm just happy that you chose a way less risky”

Jisung looked at him with a questioning eyebrows.

Jisung:“what do you mean?”

Mr.Bae:“you father would be proud he's son is still fighting for him... Even if you're vigilantes but you guys turned to us the law and not working by yourself like some filthy gangsters”

He pats him in the shoulder and left.

Jisung stood there thinking about what he said to him then looked up and wondered if this is was the right way to take revenge.

Minho(through mic):“I told you it was a bad idea telling him about our true identities”

Seungmin(through mic):“you guys should have listened to hyung from the first place”

There were only voice recorders so all the four were unable to see or watch what happened.

Chan looked at Jisung who was silent the whole time after Mr.Bae had left so he walked to him to check on him.

Chan:“you okay?”

He put his palm on his back.

Jisung let out a dry chuckle then turned around to Chan with a fierce eyes.

Jisung:“we must not let him find out about us... NEVER”

It was the first time Chan see Jisung showing this kinda of expression so he only looked at him with amaze.

Chan:“let us take down Mikey together with him then we will handle Mr.Kang alone after”

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