Chapter 12 : Talk of the Town

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"That's impossible, Jongseong," you tease, mimicking the way Heeseung teases the younger princes whenever they use such dramatic claims. Finally, Jay cracks a smile and chuckles softly at your attempt.

"In all seriousness, I might take you up on your offer when we begin unpacking the library. We have way too many books to count and organizing them into a new library always takes days."

"That sounds like fun. I'd be more than happy to help sort the library," you nod excitedly, turning to meet the prince's gaze once again.

"Great, it's settled," Jay beams, leaning in quickly to plant a small peck against your lips. When he pulls back, he stares at you with a triumphant smirk, watching as the shock and realization settle on your features. "I'll let the others know," he adds, climbing off your bed and taking a few steps toward the door.

You're unsure what exactly Jay will be informing the others of – that you offered to help organize the library, or that he just kissed you out of the blue. Either way, you can see the prince proudly boasting both.

"Oh, I initially came to ask if you would like to head to the town's market with us?" he asks, spinning around on his heel to wait for your answer. When you meet his gaze, you clear your throat softly to shake yourself out of your swirling thoughts.

"Sure, I'd love to join," you smile, climbing off the bed to sift through your newly organized closet for some outer layers.

"Alright, I'll let Jake and Riki know you're tagging along. We'll be heading out shortly so meet us on the first floor whenever you're ready, little one." Jay returns your smile before continuing his way back out of your room. You don't miss the way the prince stops to pick up the empty boxes, wordlessly taking them out of your room to dispose of them.

It doesn't take long for you to pick out the additional articles of clothing you'll be adding to your current outfit and even less time to actually put them on. By the time you leave your room, you ponder if you'll be the first one to wait for the others. For this reason, you decide to take the longer, "scenic" route down to the first floor. Unlike the previous castle where the entirety of the structure was one large building, this new castle has several buildings on its property. All of them, of course, are connected internally on the base floor to allow for covered access, especially during the colder seasons when it rains and snows. However, there are also external corridors and bridges that grant access to each building on each additional floor.

Until now, you have not gotten the chance to explore these external corridors too much – at least not during the daytime. But you've heard from the princes that the views offered from these areas of the castle are truly unlike any other. So, naturally, you wander over to the nearest corridor, the one that offers the best view of the property and the town below.

When you push open the heavy door separating you from the interior and exterior of the castle, you almost stumble back at the unexpected weight. Yet, the longer you think about it, the more it makes sense to have such a durable barrier protecting against the cold weather and any unwelcome guests. The cold air hits your face like a rude awakening, but it's also not completely unpleasant. You're thankful for the roofing that covers the corridor as it helps shield you from the brunt of the chilly weather.

Your jaw falls slack at the pure beauty of the land below you. Since your room is once again, located in the back of the castle, in the most secluded and private wing, you don't get to directly enjoy the view at the front of the property. But from the corridor where you currently stand, you can see not only the heart of the town below but also the valley of hills that roll beyond the town. From this perspective, the town seems like one tiny blur in the never-ending scene of undisturbed nature. The sky is surprisingly clear today, painting the atmosphere a vibrant blue. The very few clouds that hang in the sky look like bundles of cotton, almost close enough for you to reach out to grab them.

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