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Mylaela paused at the overlook of Dale, staring down at the citizens cleaning up their kingdom with heavy hearts. A small figure caught her eye, wandering around aimlessly.

The She-Elf decided to take a quick detour before her journey back home, making her way down the path. A few eyes drew to her as she walked through the gates, sending slight smiles of acknowledgment.

Mylaela's eyes shot around the crowd, one goal in mind. Her eyes landed on Bard, before she made her way towards him.

"The little girl I saved, where is she?"

"I have not seen her," he quickly spoke, directing the citizens on what to do with the bodies. Mylaela frowned slightly, these people were not prepared to face such tragedy.

A small tug on the bottom of her cloak brought the Elf's attention to the strawberry blonde girl. Mylaela knelt down before her, noticing the tears brimming her eyes.

"What is wrong?" Mylaela cooed, lightly brushing her thumbs under the child's forest green eyes.

"Daddy," the child's lips quivered, looking over at a man's body that was being carried. Mylaela gently turned the girl to face her, "Where is your mother?"

"Her mother was a Half-Elf in Thranduil's troops," Bard informed her, Mylaela glancing back to the little girl, "What is your name?"


"Well, Serenity," Mylaela held her arms out to the little girl, "Let's make a trip to Mirkwood."

The little girl accepted the She-Elf's open arms, burying her face into Mylaela's neck.

"And if her mother fell?" Bard questioned, a slight light twinkling in Mylaela's eyes, "She will have a mother."

Mylaela reached the shores, climbing into one of the many boat's the people of Lake-Town had sailed over on. Serenity sat comfortable in the bottom, silently crying at the loss of both her home and her father.

Serenity eventually began to snore slightly as she fell into a deep sleep, Mylaela smiling, glad the girl could find some rest after her long day. She hoped and prayed that Serenity's mother was in Mirkwood, awaiting her daughter's arrival.

Mylaela would wish it upon no one to lose their parents, the pain being utterly unbearable, no matter what age they were lost at.

After a day's journey, the She-Elf approached the Woodland King.

"The Half-Elf in your troops, what became of her?"

Serenity stood on the ground, peeking out from behind Mylaela's legs. Thranduil shot his eyes at the smaller figure, who quickly jumped fully out of sight.

"She did not return," he announced, Mylaela closing her eyes in understanding, "Is this her child?"


"We will find a home for her," he nodded, signaling his guards to attempt to take the young girl. Serenity began to panic, crying out for help from Mylaela as the Elves tried to grab her.

"Stop!" Mylaela shouted, stepping in front of the guards before glancing back up at Thranduil, "I will raise her."

Thranduil furrowed his eyebrows ever so slightly before dismissing his guards, "You wish to bring a child to accompany your travels?"

"I am to return to Rivendell," Mylaela announced, "I will care for her as if she is my own blood."

"So be it."

Looking down at Serenity, a smile formed on Mylaela's lips.

She had found her peace.

Hiraeth - Thorin OakenshieldWhere stories live. Discover now