CHAPTER 7 :- Li Lim :- "....We have a new student in our class...."

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Class 9.
"Wen Tinglan do you know we are having a new student in our class." Wang Lixin say's to Wen Tinglan who is playing in his phone.

"Mm." Wen Tinglan nods without giving it much thought.

"Little Li is coming" A boy in the class shouts and informs everyone.

"Good morning everyone. We have a new student in our class, so let's welcome her." Li Lim say's to everyone entering the class.

"Come inside Chu Xiù and introduce yourself."

Hearing Li Lim, Chu Xiù puts her phone inside her bag after typing something and enters the class. She steps on the podium and look towards the class with calm and emotionless eyes.

"Hello everyone. I am Chu Xiù." Chu Xiù say's in a cold tone and with a expressionless face.

There is pin drop silence in the class the moment Chu Xiù entered. Anyone in the class was not ready for this at all.

They know that the transfer student is a girl, but no-one told them that she is this beautiful.

The girl standing on the podium have a very pale skin like the sun never touched her. Dark Black Hair in a ponytail reaching her waist. She is very casual but no one can ignore the wildness In her attitude and her nonchalant behaviour.

The coldness and the aura radiating from her tells everyone very clearly that she is not someone to be messed with.

Li Lim is suprised to see that, what she was not able to do for past five months; that is keeping everyone quite, but the moment Chu Xiù entered it happened.

"Oh! So Chu Xiù go and take the seat you like." after coming out from her thoughts Li Lim say's to Chu Xiù with a warm voice.

Listening to Li Lim, Chu Xiù goes and sits at the last seat in the last row in window side.

She keeps the bag in the space under the desk. Remove the book, keeps them on the table and is ready with a notebook and pen.

From the moment Chu Xiù entered the class and sit in her seat everyone's eyes was on her movement.

Even though she is nonchalant in many of her actions and behaviour; but her every move is beautiful and refined like a lady from a prestigious family.

"Ok my dear students if you have seen enough, do give me the honour of teaching you." Li Lim say's with a smile.

But everyone knows that Li Lim is sweet but is very strict with his methods that's why they can do whatever they want in other classes but never in Little Li's class.

Li Lim teaches Chinese. "Ok this is how you do it...." From time to time he keeps looking at Chu Xiù. He is really relieved that she is writing and paying attention in class.

Unfortunately Li Lim is right about writing but what Chu Xiù is writing is not class notes but the music scores. If Li Lim saw this he would probably become a stone statue right then and there.

After Li Lim's class, the next teachers also was satisfied with Chu Xiù's concentration in class. After the same misunderstanding the whole day the bell rang.

Break time
"Is there something?" Chu Xiù asks to Liu Jing with calm voice.

"No, no it's not like that. I just want to introduce myself. I am Liu Jing your deskmate." Liu Jing say's in a very sweet voice.

"Yes, Hello. I am Chu Xiù." Chu Xiù say's with a small smile.

Liu Jing is a girl with sweet and cute appearance. She is at least 5'4 feet tall a little less than Chu Xiù. She have a little chubby cheeks and is very cute that looking at her Chu Xiù really want to pinch her cheeks.

"Do you want to do lunch with me?" Liu Jing say's with a sweet smile.


"Chu Xiù let's sit here." Liu Jing is all smiles having a new friend for the first time.

Chu Xiù keeps her lunch box in front of Liu Jing plate and sits.

"Chu Xiù your lunch smells so good." Liu Jing asks with an excited look.

"Want to try." Chu Xiù say's while giving a piece from 'Aalu Paratha'.

"It's really tasty. What kind of dish is this?" Liu Jing asks with some in her mouth.

"It's an Indian dish." Chu Xiù say's while finishing the bite in her mouth.

"Really? Who made this?"


"Chu Xiù you can cook, and an Indian dish too?! How?" Liu Jing stops eating and asks astonished.

"My grandmother was an Indian. She taught me and I lived in India from six years of age so it's very easy. I just came to China after my seventeenth birthday." Chu Xiù say's with a small smile.

Everyone in the cafeteria is looking towards Chu Xiù. Boys with the suprised eyes. Some girls with jealousy and some with admiration.

Feng Haoyu comes to cafeteria and directly goes to Chu Xiù and Liu Jing table. "Hello Miss Chu we meet again. Can I sit with you and your friend?"

Without saying anything Chu Xiù look at Liu Jing with calm & questioning eyes.

"Oh! I don't have any problem." Liu Jing say's hurriedly.

"Ok." Chu Xiù say's to Feng Haoyu and starts eating.

"Hello I am Feng Haoyu. Thanks for the seat."

"Oh! it's nothing." Liu Jing say's with a smile.

"Let's be friends Liu Jing." Feng Haoyu say's energetically.

"Ok" Liu Jing say's happily to get one more friend.

"What is this in your plate. it's not in the menu right?" Feng Haoyu say's with a perplexed expression.

"Oh! this is from sister Chu. She made this. Would you like some?" Liu Jing say's to Feng Haoyu.

"Really." Feng Haoyu responds and types to someone.

"You want some?" Chu Xiù asks.

"Yes." Feng Haoyu say's while moving his chopsticks to Chu Xiù's lunch.

Chu Xiù hits his hands "Don't. I am a vegetarian. Wait I am giving."

"It's yummy." Feng Haoyu exclaims with a big bite in his mouth and bulged cheeks.

"Right. That was also my reaction." Liu Jing say's happily.

Chu Xiù looks at Liu Jing & Feng Haoyu with smile in her eyes. She also responds with few word from time to time.

On other side Qin Xiāng is looking at Chu Xiù's table with hostility.

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