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The three then walk back inside "Jackie im so sorry try not to take it personally" Will says and leads them around the house to the stairs "Will how many of these kids are George and Katherines?" Jackie asks

"Eight?" Lynn answers "Shes right all of them theres eight of us kids plus Lee and Isaac are cousins on dads side" Will tells Jackie "My uncle Richard said you had a big family but I mean I had-" Jackie says as they get to the top of the stairs

Jackie then looked around "Wait you all live here?" She asks "No I live in town with my fiancee Hayley but everyone else yeah and this is your room I hope you two dont mind sharing" Will says opening a door "Not at all" Lynn tells him following him in

There was two beds one on each side of the room and some art supplies left behind along with a painting "It was my moms art studio" Will says as the two look around the room "Wow" Jackie says

A loud drop comes from behind them and they turn to see Cole who just dropped a box Lynn rolls her eyes looking away from the blonde boy "Will are you gonna help theres a ton of stuff to bring up" Cole tells him "I can do it" Jackie offers "No you make yourself at home okay both of you" He tells them

"Yeah dont worry about it New York" Cole tells Jackie then turns to Lynn "Ring pop" Cole smirks "Hes a jerk just ignore him" Lynn says as Cole walks away

Lynn decided to go walk around outside while Jackie was unpacking as the boys brought boxes up "You lost ring pop?" Cole asks seeing her admiring the horses "Be nice to her Cole" Lynn tells him as he stands beside her

"Shes gonna have to get used to it" Cole tells her "I know but still take it easy we've both been through a lot she just not as tough as I am" Lynn tells him "I know I can tell youve gotten a lot tougher since the last time I seen you" He says

"Oh have I?" She asks and he nods "Im sorry about your parents and about Chase I wanted to reach out again but-" Cole says "I never did tell anyone you called after Chase" She tells him "He was my best friend unlike you he would come to visit" He says

"He was the better twin" She says "Why didnt you call back or text me at least?" Cole asked her "I just couldnt you and this place just reminded me so much of him I just couldnt" She tells him and he nods "Why are you suddenly being nice to me?" She asks

"Because no one else is around" He tells her with a smile and she shakes her head with a small smile on her face giving him a little push on his arm "You should have see the way Alex looked at Jackie" Lynn tells him "That bad?" He asks

"Yeah hes gotten a lot cuter over the years you threatened?" She asks hopping up onto the fence "Not in the slightest" He tells her "Oh come on Cole you were the one pushing him off of me when he kissed me and had a fit because he was my first kiss" She chuckled

"We were six!" Cole argued smiling "So what you were so upset your younger brother got the girl" She says with a smile actually on her face Lynn then noticed Katherine walking over "You two look like you are enjoying each others company" She says with a big smile on her face

"Oh just catching up" Cole says offering a hand to Lynn who takes it and jumps down "You settling in okay? Hope no ones giving you trouble" Katherine says "All good Katherine thank you" Lynn says and she nods "Of course"

Katherine walked away and Lynn noticed Alex watching and the rest of the kids having a good time as George cooks and Katherine with him

"Come on lets go eat" Cole says putting his arm around her shoulders because he also noticed his younger brother looking over at them Lynn pushes him off "Shove it Cole im not here for you to make your brother jealous" Lynn tells him walking off and into the house

Mistakes happen- The Walter boysWhere stories live. Discover now