Twelve - Acclimation

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I laugh and shrug, "We'll see"

Quite honestly, I don't really want new feiends. I did however want to get to know Melo more, to see who his friends and teammates are. It says a lot about a person who they put up with. Gelo and Zo are cool, but he didn't chose them. I wanna see what type of people he chooses.

"Why we sittin on the counter?" Melo looks at our surroundings

"Ion know why you got your big behind up here, I got up cause I aint wanna stand"

"I wanted to be by you" he shrugs "And watch yo mouth young lady"

"Mmm no"


"You look good," Melo examines me after parking
the car

"You look sexy," I run my fingers over his fresh clean shaven jaw line and smile. He had a red LaFrance shirt, grey jeans, red dunks. and a bandana patterned puffer. I was wearing ripped red jeans, a black LaFrance hoodie, with black Jordan 4s

"Alright," Melo pulls me over the middle console into his lap "Wassup"

I can feel my cheeks rosy and burn under his gaze. I offer a chuckle and tuck my head into his neck to hide the blush

"Lemme see yo pretty face," Melo pulls my head from his neck and examines me

"Yo windows tinted huh?"

Melo moves his hand to my neck and squeezes lightly

"I'll fuck you even if they not tinted, fuck somebody gon do?" he pulls me into a long, wet kiss

For a moment, I feel lost in him, in his touch, in his tongue, in his everything. I regain myself when he breaks the kiss to focus on my neck.

"Melo," I try to hide my moan as he places soft kisses on my neck.

Neck kisses are my weakness. Kiss my neck and it's over, clear your schedule for the rest of the day because we not going where except poundtown.

"No, cause we not gon go to lunch if you don't get back" I push his head away and climb back into the passenger seat

Melo sighs and readjusts himself and his pants, "Aight, cmon love"

Melo gets out the car, comes around to open my door and offers his hand

"Thank you," I readjust my clothes and clear my throat

Melo leads me into a restaurant. The hostess shows us to a secluded table at the back fo the restaurant wit three males and three females sat around chatting.

Once they see Melo and I approaching the guys begin to do that weird masculine thing where they "Oooohhh" but in a deep-voiced, non sassy way.

"Wassup" lets go of my hand once we appreach the table, all six stand from the table. Melo daps the guys and gives the girls half hug back taps

"This my girlfriend, Dee" he introduces me much to his teammates surprise

"Dee, thats Terry, PJ, and Kelly" he points to a tall slim darksin, a skinny lightskin with a beard/taper fade combo, and then another lightskin although this one is a lighter and his hair is more untamed and blonde

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