"Patience, Mirabel. It might not be his birthday, but tonight is as special as it is. Because... Today's the same day when the town gives the Madrigal family a celebration to return the favor!" Mariano summon up with a gleeful smile, proudly defending his future brother-in-law despite the shapeshifter not really needing any cover.

"And this is the part where it gets better–"

"Are you telling the story or am I?" Camilo sassed at the two couples with his usual smirk of mischief with a little bit of sarcasm before the kids started bombering him more questions about what happens next. While some wanted to hear something else. "Ok ok! I have other stories and legends to tell, so no need to grow bore—"

"Same old guardians who has no way of living besides pulling people 6 feet below and let the magic do the working, big deal! Abuela Alma had told us about this story during the Dia De Los Muertos! I wanna hear something new, please~" A little girl name Cecilia mentioned as she got closer and sat next to him.

That got him thinking as he holds his chin and look up in the sky. That's when an idea hit him before he grabbed his guitar from Mariano that was trying to dazzle Dolores. "I suppose I have one story that no one ever heard about... Not even mi hermana~" he said, eyeing his sister who frowns at him, not trusting his statement one bit. For she knows every gossip going on in Encanto. "Don't believe me? I suspect that much, but I'm positively sure that none of you know THIS story.... Can anyone tell me what the story of 'The Girl in the Moon' was all about?" he questioned, but only received a tilt of confusion from his audience.

"About the girl and a moon? Was it from the kingdom outside the encanto?"


"Is it about a girl born in the moon?"


"Is this a tragic love story?"

"Not even close"

"Does it have a connection with the guardian stories you were talking about?!"

"Hm. Sort of..."

"Tell us! Tell us! Tell us!" They little ones begged as they pulled him down by his hand and shirt closer to their faces to hear about it before Camilo turned to Luisa for a second and made a loud stomp, enough to get the kids to sit back down before transforming back to himself and apologize in the neighborhood for disturbing their sleeps.

"Ahh~ It's a perfect night! La Niña De La Luna... Mi princesa..." He beamed with a sigh between his smile before the kids' voices died down when he starts to play the strings from his guitarra. They were now more interested to know about this princesa that Camilo was talking about. He slowly sat down on the fountain seats as he plays a sweet melody while they scooch near his presence. He looks up at the fountain statue before he begun to tell the story,

"There's a girl from long ago
She has a gift that no one knows
Guides you safe in your dreams
And fought the monsters we all feared

She brings the light in the dark
Ignite a flame of hope we touch
We all shun her in her night
Before we woke up—left her behind

La Niña De La Luna~
Myths foretold she seeks for hate
In your room, you feel unsafe
In a gift that's seals your fate
She will rise to hold you tight
Then whispers that it'll be alright


Chant with me through the night,
Bring my princess back to life
Seek her goals and she won't lie
Amend the faults we all have hide
For the prophecy she holds,

 ꧁•⊹٭𝙰 𝚃𝚊𝚕𝚎 𝙾𝚏 𝚆𝚑𝚒𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜٭⊹•꧂ [Camilo Madrigal] Where stories live. Discover now