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It was all fun and games inside de La Casa Madrigal of Encanto ever since Mirabel found a new foundation of its hidden secret. Thay candle that became the symbol of peace and destruction has been passed down to Mirabel as she and Isabella have finally reconciled and left of their past behind. Dolores found her very special someone and is now taking some small baby steps towards their new relationship. Abuela Alma had already forgave herself for everything, willing to redeem herself back to the person her late-husband fell in love with. And finally, Luisa and the rest of the family finally got the break they all deserved every once in a while.

Nevertheless, the Madgrigals have discovered a way to support one another through any issue without overly depending on their own strength. Bruno should not be overlooked. With Pepa and Julieta taking care of him once more to regain each other's confidence, he's living in a much better environment within the La Casa. Alright... Everyone except for Camilo...

He bid his goodbye to his mami as he and his cousins carried their own boxes filled of things they need for the children. "Be careful tonight, 'Milo! Abuela wants you all back by dawn!" Peps reminded as she shove her rain cloud towards the closet. "Si, Mami! We'll hold unto that!" he exclaimed before Mirabel dragged him with the rest of his cousins who were rushing in deep excitement for their first sleepover with the rest of the children in the center of the village under the night sky.

You might wonder what's going on... Well, let's then proceed to the story...


Long ago, before the candle became a gift, and before the encanto was built, someone else owns the forest... A family of guardians who look after the place and the ones who got lost or ran away from their home were found here. No roof to lend their heads, no caves to stay in, no fruit or food are on sight to quench their hunger and thirst. Just the guardians circled around them as statues to asked them questions about the nature.

If one answers correctly, only shall that person gets to stay and will be served by the guardians themselves on their needs for a week before your decision to either leave or be at their service as one of them. If one got it wrong, thou shall be cursed as one of the monsters in the forest who will haunt you for the rest of the night. They hid behind the darkest part that not even a flame or light could ever reach.

Until a hunter that goes by the name Fernando Merceles became one of its common victims for harming the nature. He then begged to stay for the night before the guardian asked him the same question similar to the previous passerby's who failed to answer or left uncertain.

"A drop of seed... somewhere in the high mountains of Selidaneh where hunger shall vanquished, but grief shall consume one's loss. And clouds will parted a rain to stir them well. As hard to hold, but easy to loose. A measure of your love that is sweet as honey, but sometimes for bitter or for worse..."

They gave him three chances.

"Is it a friend?" He said.


"A heartbreak?"




And just like that, vines appeared from below and started pulling him to the deepest part of terra.

"Whoa! Whoa! WAIT A MINUTE! That escalated too quickly—First off, c-creepy... And second, can we just PLEASE go to the best part, Camilo?! I know you are basically the best tell-tale teller here in the encanto, but I've been itching to know more than just horror!" Mirabel complained and one of the kids agreed with her while slumping on his sleeping bag. All them are all circled around the fountain to listen to the story that their brunette friend of all friends was telling about.

 ꧁•⊹٭𝙰 𝚃𝚊𝚕𝚎 𝙾𝚏 𝚆𝚑𝚒𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜٭⊹•꧂ [Camilo Madrigal] Where stories live. Discover now