Canto XXIII - Bloody Turquoise Eyes

Start from the beginning

"Mai, I know..." Utahime began, "I saw him sneak out of your room that morning, didn't even notice me."

The gunslinger got flustered immediately, a first for Iori who never saw this side of her. Normally she was snarky, often rude towards anyone who wasn't her peers, a natural-born troublemaker who spared no one from her antics, like that time she stole Miwa's mango out of impulse, or rather a whim. A person who didn't put any effort into becoming a sorcerer, stuck in a reality that scared her to death, up until recently when she glimpsed more and more often at the range by herself, testing multiple firearms, refining her already sharp marksmanship, getting accustomed with the recoil, its force pushed down harshly on her shoulder. To watch her put in the time to improve despite everything that goes against her, fears, pressure from her clan, her low energy output, and her own beliefs.

'I suppose I have to thank him for this sudden change in attitude.' Utahime thought. "I understand this is not exactly my business, however, in case he-"

"How certain is it?" This time it was Mai who interrupted her, the black-haired woman taken slightly by surprise.

"I can't give you certainty on this, but to put it logically he knows the city far better than any other exorcist, not to mention his capabilities and experience. I'd say it'd be a questionable if not downright counterproductive decision on their part had they left him out."

The wagon suddenly fell quiet, Mai's expression was indecipherable to Utahime's eyes, a mix of sorrow and bitterness as she purposely avoided her gaze. She could imagine the storm of conflicting feelings taking the stage inside her mind, she was smart enough to understand what was the whole point of the discussion. Because Gabriele, in the face of how unconventional and uniquely different he proved himself to be, a black sheep by the Holy church's standards, was still an exorcist first and foremost. The fear that what they knew about him, the idea they formed of him as a person was just a facade, a scheme of well-constructed lies with the clear intention of deceiving those around him, in other words, false, like a snake hidden amid the bushes waiting for the perfect moment to strike on the unsuspecting prey. Besides, plotting and scheming is what an exorcist does best.

"He disappeared for nine days," Mai said, "he went off that morning without a goodbye, I thought he flew back to Europe, back to his life, and moved on by now. I... don't know whether to feel glad or angry that he may still be here, it'd be much easier if I could just forget everything than holding on to hope."

"We must take any precautions necessary." Utahime repeated herself, a pang in her heart as she considered the request she was about to make to the emotionally confused girl.

"Should the situation require it, will you be ready to point your gun at him?"

"Are you recording, Gabriele?"

Nobara's voice rang through the phone speakers as the camera panned over her. It was a video he had sent her earlier this month, sometime after the exchange event he and the Tokyo students took a trip to the beaches near Miura, south of the capital. The Italian was probably sitting in the sand, watching his friends play tag by the shore on that peaceful evening, though Mai couldn't help but wonder how they managed to sneak a panda all the way to the beach. The amber-haired girl stood not too far from him, curiously looking at the camera: "Wait, wait! For who is it? You better get my good side in the frame." she said as she struck a pose.

"Stop hogging the camera, Kugisaki." Itadori commented, making his entrance in the tape. Then he locked eyes with the lens, a big warm smile spread across his face while he waved at it.

"Hey there! No, how was it again?" his eyes swiftly shot slightly up as if looking beyond, probably Gabriele was telling him something. "Oh yeah! Ciao!" he waved even more enthusiastically.

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