Chapter Six.

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SKIPPING A WEEK - Calista and Niall now only have three days left in this beautiful city, are they going to make it worth their wild while their here? Or are they going to keep saying they're going to ask one another out, and then they don't. Oh Calista, Oh Niall! You're both so blinded, not knowing the love of your life is right there, in front of you, open your eyes! You can see it, you both love each other.

- Calista's POV -

"So, when is your exact date back in America?" I asked my dad. "I think it's October 5th, two days after my birthday." I sighed, I wouldn't even be able to spend my dad's birthday with him. I put on a smile, "Well, that's cool. I'll be alright without you, for a little." I smiled, "Well, if you always want to come back. You can. You know that right?" I nodded my head yes, "About that. Niall is going on tour a week after we go back to California. He wants me to go with him.. I don't know what to say." My dad sat down on my bed, closed my suitcase, and talked. "Well what do you want to do?" He asked, "I want to spend a little time with mom and Ga before I go. You know?" My dad nodded his head, "Of course. Spend a couple days with them when you get back." My dad said, "That's what I was planning to do." He honestly could read my mind, I'm convinced! "I also want to go with Niall, you know? I went for Take Me Home, I didn't go his last tour. I'd love to go this tour." I said, "Well, you should. You'll spend a couple days at home with the family, then you go on tour. If you don't want to say, talk to Niall about it. I'm sure he'll buy you a plane ticket to come back.." My dad said, he always knew what to say, when I couldn't say it myself. "You read my mind, I swear. You live in there." I giggled, as I got up and hugged him. "Well, you're my daughter." He said, "That's true." I said and he walked out of my room, leaving me alone to pack up a little before we go out later on tonight.

"Calista! Come on! We're leaving!" My dad said, "Where exactly are we going?" I asked, "Out, for some Italian pizza, you need to stock up before you had back to America!" He said, "I thought about smuggling some on the plane!" Niall said, and he laughed with my dad. "Of course you did, Niall." I said as we walked together to the car. "Where is this place? What's it called?" I asked, "It's downtown, and it's called Piccalo Italy." (Small Italy. I don't know if there is a pizza place like this. I just made it up while writing. Lol xx) I sat back in my seat, I was going to miss it here. It was so fun, so many memories with Niall, with my dad, my whole family actually. I thought about how many chances I had to ask Niall, but none of them ever came out the way I wanted it to. I was kind of upset about it. I thought he'd be my boyfriend by the end of this trip, guess not. Unless something magical happened, and I asked him, or he asked me. Then I doubt we are going to be a couple by the end of this trip.

We walked into the small, but cozy pizza place. It was so cute! It had Italy written all over it. It honestly doesn't get much better than this, but this of course, if Niall was my boyfriend. I sat down with Niall next to me but across from my dad, who sat next to my uncle. "Niall, do you mind if tomorrow I take Calista out? Just as a father/daughter day?" Niall smiled, "No, I don't mind at all. I need to catch up on some sleep anyway." Niall said as he looked at the menu. "I cannot read this for my life, Calista. What are you getting?" Niall asked, "I'm getting a pizza with sausage, basil, cheese, and some mortadella." (Basically ham, but Italian, and much better xx) "For a small one, you sure can eat a lot of pizza, with a lot of toppings." He said, "But that sounds good. I want the same thing!" Niall said, "It's eight pieces for a large. We can just get a large and share. We both get four pieces. Sounds good?" I asked Niall, "Sounds good to me." He said as he put down the menu. He looked happy, but also nervous. Like something was on his mind, I'd ask him about that later.. I wonder what it is.

"THAT WAS AMAZING!" Niall said as we walked out of the pizza place. "That's the best pizza I've had in a while." I said adding on to what Niall said. "They don't make it like that in America, do they?" My dad laughed, "NOPE! I wish they did though." I said and Niall agreed. "Well, it's only seven. Would you guys like to walk around for a bit?" My dad asked, "Sure why not? You okay with it Niall?" I asked, "I'm fine with it. I want to explore a little more." He said, "Okay. We will all meet here at nine. Got it?" My dad said, "GOT IT!" Both me and Niall said at the same time. We were on our merry way. We went to the park with these beautiful trees and this lake right in front of us. It was so beautiful. I was walking closer to Niall, and he had his arm around my waist. "Niall?" I asked, this was it. "Yeah?" He said, "You looked kind of nervous back at the pizza place. You alright?" I asked, he cleared his throat. "U-Um yeah. I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" He asked, and he didn't look at me. Which made it even more obvious that he wasn't fine. He doesn't look at you straight in the face when he's lying. "C'mon! That's udder bullshit. I know you better than that. What's wrong?" I asked. "Okay, Calista. I have to tell you something, but you cannot think of me any different." PLEASE SAY YOU LOVE ME. PLEASE SAY YOU LOVE ME! I said to myself, I felt my stomach turn. "No, of course not. What is it though?" I asked, "I love you. Okay, there I said it. I love you so much. I've been trying to get to say this all this trip, I just felt like if I said it, you'd say no. I understand if you don't feel the same wa-" I cut him off by pulling him close to me and smashing my lips too his. God, I've wanted to do this for the longest time. It's so surreal that it finally happened. I just wanted this, forever. I'm so glad it's happened. "Are you fucking nuts? Of course I feel the same way. You're you, amazing, smart, funny, you always know when I'm sad, you always know when to make me happy again, you know everything. I love you too Niall, God, I've been waiting for this for so long." I finally admitted. "I love you, so much. You don't understand how happy I am right now. You're finally, well mine? I don't know if we are a couple now, I wouldn't mind if we were. I love you, so much Calista. Please, be my girlfriend?" I started to get teary eyed. "YES! YES! YES! A THOUSAND TIMES YES!" I said, "Te voligo bene.." Niall said, "I love you too. Where did you learn that?" I asked, "Your dad taught me a thing or two, about a thing or two." He giggled. We walked back to the pizza place, hand and hand. I'd be leaving Italy as Niall Horan's girlfriend. Honestly, this is all I've wanted. I don't think I've been so happy. He makes me happy, and now, he's finally mine. That means more to me, than anything could ever. He made me the happiest girl in the whole entire world, and all he has to do to make me happy, is being himself..

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