Chapter Two.

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- Calista's POV -

I woke up, I looked at my clock 10:30. I rolled back over to go back to sleep. Not my luck! I got a text message, I thought it would be my mom because she wanted to go shopping today. I looked at the name, and it sure as hell wasn't mom. It was Niall. Great! He's the LAST person I want to talk to. So, do you want to hang out today, or no? I wanted to say yes, so bad. I did! I just can't give in that easily, I can't. So I'm not going too! I'm stronger than that. No, I haven't seen my mom in two weeks. I'm going shopping with her today for my aunt's upcoming wedding. The one you were suppose to come too? Yeah! That one. I have to go, bye. I really do miss Niall. I wish everything was easy. Why does this suck? Why do I have feelings for him? I really, really, really wish I didn't have feelings for him. I decided to get my mind off of things and go take a nice long shower. I got a text from my mom, Baby! I know we were suppose to go shopping today. I have to do something with your aunt for her wedding, I promise another day. Go shopping with Vanessa or Niall! I'll make it up to you babygirl, love you lots. Mum xx My mom was so adorable. I love her so much, I'm sad that I can't hang out with her today though. Do I want to ask Niall? No, I can't. I can't fall into that trap, I can't keep falling for him when all he's done is hurt me. Hey, my mom canceled. Want to come help me pick out some shoes and jewelry for the wedding? Maybe I can help you pick a tux or something. I texted Niall, and yup, I fell into his trap. Of course I did! I know I couldn't be mad at him because I loved him too fucking much. Hey! Yes! I'll be over your house at 12:30 be ready babe xx BABE? BABE? DID HE JUST FUCKING CALL ME BABE? I relaxed, maybe it was a friendly way! Maybe he meant it in a nice way! It doesn't mean anything. He's my best friend, he probably meant it in a nice way. Don't overreact Calista. He just meant it in a nice way! I kept saying in my head over and over again. I really missed Niall, and for once, I can't wait too fucking see him. I missed him so much.

- Niall's POV -

For once, it would be Calista and I. I couldn't wait too see her, I missed her so much. "Niall, where you going to lad?" Louis asked, "Out with Calista." His faced dropped. "Oh." He said and just walked out of the room. Weird? I'll ask him about that later. Nialllllllllllllll . Bring your black and grey hoodie please . I have nothing to wear with my leggings, please please please!  She's so fucking adorable, she probably has a shit load of clothes and she wants to wear mine. Alrighty babe, I'm coming early. Miss you lots xx Babe? Fucking hell. I can't catch feelings for her, she's my best friend! How could have I caught feelings for her? I just broke up with my girlfriend, you can't move on that fast. Can you? No you can't! Silly Niall! I'm just going out with my best friend. best friend?  I didn't like that sound of that, because we didn't act like best friends. We act like a couple who's in love but neither one of us know it yet..

I beeped outside her house, once, twice and as I beeped the third she ran down her stairs and into the car. "NIALL" she screamed, "CALISTA" I screamed back. She smiled, I know she was happy, very happy. "Somebody's happy.." I said giggled as she hugged me really tight. "Of course I am! Do you know how much I've missed you?" she said looking down. "Yes! I do! No sad stuff. We are together now, right? HAPPY TIMES!" I said as she put her phone on my car charger and smiled, genuine smile. She was happy. That's the thing with Calista. I know when she's happy, and I know when she's not. I know when her smile is fake, and I know when it's not. This time, it wasn't. "Where is the grey hoodie? DON'T TELL ME YOU FORGOT." She almost started crying, it was so funny. I  reached my arm to the back seat. "How could I ever?" handing her my sweatshirt, and she put it on and she was so happy.

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