Chapter Five.

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- Calista's POV -

Dad, I just landed! We are getting our suitcases, hoping into the car and we will be there soon. I'll see you soon, I've missed you so much! I was so excited to see my dad. I saw a sign that said my name on it. "Ciao, ma tu sei Calista?" (Hi, but are you Calista?) I smiled, "Si, sono Calista. Ciao!" (Yes, I'm Calista. Hi!) I took my suitcase and Niall took his. "You're so adorable talking Italian." Niall said, "I like it." He finished, "You'll be hearing a lot of it for the next couple weeks. Get used too it." I giggled. "Might have to learn the language myself!" Niall said, "I'll teach you some while we are in the car. You'll need to know the basics to talk, and to get through this next few weeks!" I said so proudly, I loved being Italian, I was proud to be Italian. It was just great, knowing I had this background. I love it, the food, the sports teams, the everything! I was just so glad I could spend a couple weeks here. I'm excited to spend time with my family, my dad, Niall, and going to see all these beautiful places I haven't seen since I was a kid. I don't remember much, but the some that I do, I know it's beautiful. I know it's breathtaking. My dad used to tell me all the time, that last time I came here I was so memorized by everything when we had to leave, I started crying because I didn't want to leave. I wanted to go to a soccer game, I had too. I'm in Italy! I have to go see the biggest sport being played in the biggest stadium! SAN SIRO. "I haven't been here in the longest time.." Niall said as we hopped into the car. "I know, I'm so glad I am though." I smiled, "I haven't been here since we played San Siro." Niall said, IT'S LIKE HE READ MY MIND. "Wish I could've came, it probably was amazing." I said, "It was, it was awesome." Niall said, I was so proud of Niall and how far he's come with all the boys. I know he misses Zayn, but they're happy for him. I know they're going to support him until the end. That's what makes me happy, that's brotherhood right there. I'm proud to call those boys my best friends, even Zayn. No matter where he is. He's always going to be our friend. "Okay, brush me up on some Italian?" Niall asked. "OF COURSE!" I giggled. "Ciao, Io sono Niall." I said, "Hi I'm Niall?" He questioned. "YES!" I said. It was so funny, because every time I told him he got a sentence right he'd get so happy, it was the cutest and funniest thing in the world. "Io mi piace la pizza, pasta, e gelato." I said, I was waiting for him to reply. This was a little tougher. "I like.. Um, Pizza obviously, Pasta.. And um? Gelato? ICE CREAM!" He said, "YES!" I said. "Okay, something tougher!" He said, "Alright? Um, Io sono giocato a San Siro con le mia amici perche io facchio la musica." He looked shocked, like he's just seen a ghost. "THAT'S SO HARD!" He whined like a little baby. "Oh, well, you wanted something tougher and I gave it too you." I punched his arm. "I, played?" I nodded, "At San Siro?" He questioned, I nodded again, "You're on the right path.." I smiled, "With my friends?" He asked again, I nodded. "Keep going!" I said, "Because.. I MAKE MUSIC?!" He said. "YES NIALL!" I said, and he smiled. "I'm a pro already, WATCH OUT ITALY! NIALL JAMES HORAN IS IN TOWN!" He said, and I just laughed.

We finally got to my grandmother's house, with my whole family there. "Grazie!" I said to the cab driver. "Non, e uno problemo!" He said back. (Not a problem!) I got my suitcase and so did Niall. I knocked on the door, within seconds my dad opened it. I dropped my bags. "DAD! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" I said hugging him tighter than I probably ever hugged him. "CALISTA!" He said as he finally let go of me. "Hi, Niall!" My dad said, giving Niall a welcoming hug. I giggled. I walked into my house, I saw my aunts, my uncles, grandparents, cousins, everything! "CIAO CALISTA!" They all said. "Ciao ha tutti!" I said (Hello to everybody!) My dad and uncle bringing in my suitcase. "Let me show you your room, you guys have to share. NO FUNNY BUSNIESS!" My dad said, Niall and I just looked at each other and laughed. "Cali, ma, vio ha mangato?" (Calista, but did you guys eat?) I shook my head no. "Nonna ha fatto pasta!" My uncle said. (Nonna made pasta!) I sat down and ate with Niall. "Ciao, io sono Niall!" Niall said, he did talk with an amazing accent. It was so hot, please talk more, please talk more. I begged and begged. "Mah tu sei la regazzo de Calista?" Niall looked back, "What did he say?" He asked, "He asked if you were my boyfriend.." I said. "Oh, what do I say?" He said, "Just say no. You're my friend and you came with me." I said, "HOW DO I SAY THAT?" He looked so confused. "Non e mio regazzo. Questo e lo mio amico Niall." I said (He's not my boyfriend. He's my friend, Niall.) I said Niall looked embarrassed. I KNOW YOU LIKE ME JUST ASK ME OUT I'M NOT GOING TO SAY NO. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't. I needed to say what I felt about him at the right time, not with half my family around. This is definitely not the right time. I hope he cares about me, just as much as I care about him. Yes, I know he feels the same way. I just haven't said anything because it just hasn't been the right time to say anything yet. I want to, but I don't. I don't know. I feel like if we date it's going to be awkward. Then again, we act like a couple all the time. So what would be the difference if he was my boyfriend and I was his girlfriend? Shake it off, Calista! You're with your family that you haven't seen in forever, enjoy yourself! I went to through my dish in the sink as my dad came up to talk to me. "So, are you and Niall like dating?" He asked, "No, we're not. I overheard him saying he loved me though.." I looked down, "Calista, he cares about you. I know he does. He looks at you the same way I looked at mom when we first met. I think you should talk to him.." He said, "You're right dad, I should. I just feel like right now isn't the best time because I'm with you guys." I said, "Well, when you guys are alone, just go for it. Talk to him, you guys have been best friend's for a while. I'm sure everything will work itself out.." He said, I hugged him. "You always know what to say dad, thank you so much. I love you." I said, "No problem. You're my daughter, my baby, no matter how old you get. You're growing up to be a fine young adult, I'm proud of you." It's nothing better than hearing your parent(s) saying their proud of you, it's the best feeling in the world. I love it. I know I've done my job, and I'm becoming the women I've always wanted to be. I just need my Prince Charming beside me, and I'll be fine. Please ask me out, please Niall. I'm not going to say no. You mean the world to me. I said over and over. WHEN AM I GOING TO STOP BEING A CHICKEN? GIRLS CAN ASK THE GUYS OUT TOO! I said into my head, confident. Not right now though, Calista.. Go relax.

Not Done Falling For You - Niall Horan -Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin