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Joules Kastrati


The Emissary; Bound by Fate

Two nights ago, the soulless body of underground casino owner Jason McDenvor was discovered in his own home, metamorphosing his once peaceful sanctuary into a tormenting crime scene. McDenvor was found hanging by his wrists in his once bedroom with a slit throat and further mutilated beyond repair. The absence of any signs of a struggle or forced entry raise a haunting question: did McDenvor know his killer? Or was he taken by surprise and left defensless against the malevolent intentions of the country's most brutal murderer?

Similar to the previous bundle of murders, a knife was put to use as the first chair instrument of agony and rose penetrated horizontally through each side of the victims cheeks. McDenvor endured a slow, agonising death. Dreadfully, there was no viable evidence left behind at or near the crime scene—not even a trace of McDenvors own blood, leaving the law enforcement as lost as ever. As the country remains on edge, one question is left hanging in the air. Will this barbarous killer ever be identified in this exclusive game of cat and mouse?

Jason McDenvor, a man whose life was cut short, will be missed by his loved ones and the entire community. Our thoughts and condolences go out to the family and friends of this unfortunate victim during this challenging time. May he rest in peace and his memory inspire us to stand strong against the evil purging our country.

Stay vigilant, stay safe. Don't let the rose thorns prick.

— The Daily Access


"Come on, pretty please?" Angel pleads, her voice almost desperate, as another clicked echos from her camera. "Just one smile, yeah?"

Për Zotin. "Angel, it's seven in the morning, and I haven't had to wake up this early in over two years. Forgive me if I'm not in the mood for a full-blown photoshoot." I grumble, loosening the navy striped tie strangling me.

I was woken at 5:30 this morning by an overly sporadic and excitable Angel Kastrati. She insisted on me needing two hours to get ready this morning—hair, makeup, uniform, everything. All to ensure I could give the perfect 'first impression' at Milton today. Against her wishes, it only took me fourth five minutes to do all of those things, plus another fifteen for breakfast and brushing my teeth. Now, here I am, standing in different areas of the house, posing for photos I don't even want to be taken and we have to leave in fifteen minutes in order to arrive in time for my meeting with the principle.

Before I can protest any further, Angel is back in front of me, fussing over my tie. "Okay, okay. I'll stop with the picture's—but seriously, you look amazing in these, whether you smile or not. Have a look."

She stood beside me, a grin plastered on her face, and positioned her phone in front of me. To humour her, I glance at the photos lightly with pursed lips. I hate cameras and my photo being taken, even if its with light hearted intention, and I know Angel is only doing this in order to capture memories, but that doesn't change the facts. Regardless, I can't blame her for her ignorance, she doesn't know what I don't tell her.

'Come on, pretty girl. Give us a smile,' he sneers, his clamp on my chin tightening as the taste of iron drowns my taste buds. He forces me to face the blinding flash and I know better to try to close my eyes. 'Show off those pearly whites, yeah? Before they're gone for good.'

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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