◇°•Chapter 1: A new face•°◇

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The pencil tapped on the journal in a slow pace. 'What to write, what to write...' Henry thought, repeating the same words in a low murmur...Ugh, he can't really write he sang all day, can he? It's his job, what else? He drank coffee...? The angel groaned, closing the journal shut and placing it back in the desk's drawers.
Maybe it wasn't a great idea to start writing a diary. Just makes him more conscious of how boring he is, how life can't be more exiting, but instead a cycle. After he gets the money to live in Inkwell city, he'll have a brand new life, a life more fulfilling than the one he's in. It wasn't a massive city, just perfect for more peace, than a town you could barely call town of how massive it is. The town is basically full of crime on every corner, from a crook to a Mob Boss that basically rules the whole place...Benicio Drew, was it? Can't really forget that name, when it's everywhere from posters, to news papers, to seeing him walk around town. His life will be a lot better, and of course, smaller crime rate.

The thought of finally having a life, a life he'll feel peaceful in, find a beautiful and kind woman, beautiful kids and a peaceful life in the suburbs. He sighed, placing his hands on his chest, a slight smile spreading over his soft rosy cheeks. Just a bit more, and he'll have it all. He'll find that someone, that someone will matter to him the most, someone who'll love him back as much as he loves them.

Henry stood up from his seat with a soft cushion and flopped on the bed, making a loud creaking sound as he did. He placed the pink blanket over him, before placing his finger on the lamp's button and flipping it.

Cont. (May 31st)

Henry was in the Half Moon Bar, which recently got a stage, for the folks to sing in. And it was a big stage, at that. It had lights, curtains and a microphone with it's stand. It wasn't surprising, since it's one of the more famous bars in town. Adding a stage is a good choice, since it'll possibly attract more civilians.

Henry applied blush to his soft cheeks, tapping the brush on the pallette gently. He sighed calmly, just a few more months, and he'll have time for himself, to have a better life.

Henry fixed up his suit and tie, before giving a smirk for the funsies and slowly heading near to the curtains. His head peaked through the curtains, looking at the audience. And wow, it was full of toons! All types of species, like cats, dogs, goats, wolfs, and a demon...A demon with crimson red eyes and teeth like razors peeking out from his genuine smile of glee...or...maybe it was a cheeky grin, who knows. But that grin was attractive in a way. The angel wondered, who may this demon be, that the dimly lit restaurant revealed.
The mysterious demon approached his seat, sitting down, and immediately snapping his fingers for the waitress. Then he was planning to study him more, his eyes widened as he heard the informer tap the microphone and say gleefully:

"Ladies and gentlemen! I'd like ya'll to welcome our best singer in town, Henry Darcy!!"
The informer exclaimed, before motioning for Henry to enter the big and luxurious stage. The angel moved the curtain away, as the taps of his shoes were heard, until he approached the microphone. The music started playing, while some toons started tapping their feet. He breathed in and out and started singing, in a low tone, it was gentle and could even sound like a mother singing her child a lullaby.

"I'm flyin' high, but I've got a feelin' I'm fallin'..."
Henry's tone was low, but elegant, with a glint of pure calmness seeping through it.

"Fallin' for nobody else but you..."

"You caught my eye and I've got a feelin' I'm fallin'..."

"Show me the ring and I'll jump right through..."

"I used to travel single-o, we chanced to mingle-o..."

"Now I'm a-tingle over you..."
Henry smiled, spreading his arms, as the song's melody started becoming a bit more faster and energetic.

♡°•~An Angel's Voice~•°♡ (BendyxHenry) (Rewritten) (Hold?)Where stories live. Discover now