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      "HEY, no, no, no. Nope. No. Quit that! Don't, I can't even. Stop that!" That was all Willie could say in the ten minutes he'd been watching a Noah Romero hip thrusting compilation. He shouldn't have watched it. It was basically complete and utter torture for a fanboy.

You see, Willie Aguilar was an average twenty two year old guy living with his best mate and said mate's girlfriend, only he wasn't so average. He was a gay hair stylist that had a serious obsession with Noah Romero from the band, Home With You.

"Willie, shut up! I can hear you from the kitchen!" Jeremiah, his flatmate and best friend, yelled from the kitchen of their flat.

"Yeah, whatever. You don't see me whining when your fucking Sav into my wall. Seriously, these walls are way too thin!" Willie yelled back.

"Oh well. Hearing Savanna and I fucking was established the minute you signed the lease for the flat. It came with the package!" Jeremiah retorted.

Willie sighed, shutting close his laptop and getting out of the comfort of his comfy cover, he walked to the kitchen.

"Ready to argue then, Aguilar?" Jeremiah smirked, turning to Willie's direction.

"Actually, I'm trying to make a sandwich, thank you very much. But seriously, Savanna is loud, mate." Willie complained.

"Oh, really? I thought you loved hearing her climax?" Jeremiah asked, sarcastically.

"I might have, had I not like dick and have a fetish for all things Noah Romero." Willie chuckled, running over to the bread box. He opened it, only to find a package of condoms. He yelped and took the box out of the bread box.

"Really, Jer? In the bread box? This is my food, man!" Willie groaned, while Jeremiah laughed his arse off, the nutter.

"Baby, I'm back!" Savanna yelled through their medium sized flat.

Willie ran over to her. He may or may not have tried to jump over the couch and landed on his face, but he eventually got to her. His face really fucking hurt, though. He'd have to make a mental note to never do that again.

"Oh, Will. Jumping isn't your thing, love." Savanna gave a sympathetic smile, looking at Willie's rug burned arms.

"Yeah, yeah," He waved off.

He continued, "Did you get bread because Jeremiah left condoms in the bread box again and you know that I am not eating out of there when his feces are all over it. Oh, and did the mail come?"

Savanna dug through the bag of groceries in her hand and pulled out a stack of mail. Willie quickly ran to the dining room table and set them apart by the addresser.

"Oh, thanks for the help, William! Jer, can you help me?" Savanna groaned, shifting the bag of groceries into her other arm.

"Sorry, love, I'm, uh, busy."

"With what?"

Jeremiah looked around and spotted the box of condoms. "Um, uh, putting the condoms away!"

"Bullshit!" Savanna exclaimed.

Willie tried to zone out all the noise as he looked through his mail. Just a few weeks ago, he applied for an internship as a hair stylist with celebrities. He didn't expect to be working for anyone too big. Smaller bands and celebrities like Hey Violet or Hillary Duff, maybe. No one that's super mega famous.

Willie really just wanted the experience. He wanted to learn more and this internship could do that for him. Honestly, Jeremiah and Savanna were the ones who convinced him to do it. They said that he needed to and he must quote, "Get out of my fucking flat and do something other than try to determine the measurements of Noah Romero's dick." It was a real problem, honestly, but, oh well.

"Let's see, electric bill. Toss. Water bill. Toss. What the hell?" He cursed as he saw a large orange envelope with his name on it.

"Oh my God, have the feds really found out that you're a fugitive in hiding?" Savanna joked as she walked by, sipping a bit of her glass of water.

"Ha, ha. Very funny." Willie's sarcasm shone through as he ripped open the envelope.

He read over the paper displayed very carefully.

Dear Mr. Aguilar,

We are highly grateful of your application to Spotlight Hair Styling. We are glad to inform you that you have been accepted to be a intern for the summer for a certain celebrity during their touring. However, the client will remain a surprise until our first meeting (held: June 5th, 2015 @11:10 am on Parkdrive Ave, 121.). We hope to see you there with the other applicants.


Mrs. Catalina Velaquez

"Oh my God." Willie muttered into the hand that was covering his mouth.

"Holy shit. I got in! I got in, Sav!" He said, jumping up and down, screaming his head off as Savanna joined him.

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