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Three months has passed. It took a while before I got over the idea that Mr. Lim just died like that, without being punished for the numerous wrongs he committed. Instead, it was Ricco's former driver and bodyguard, Joshua Pyponco, who ended up behind bars.

Though he hadn't actually grown fond of his parents, Papa Allie initially suffered a tremendous emotional blow upon learning the truth behind his parents' demise. His mother (my grandma) didn't die in a car accident. It was murder - Mr. Lim orchestrated it and hired people to tamper with her car that day. His father (my grandpa), on the other hand, well, it was proven that harmful medicines were deliberately administered to him to worsen his dementia.

Papa Allie was furious and took it out on Joshua for killing Mr. Lim. It's a shame that no one has to be held accountable for all he had done, now that he's dead. But, then again, Mr. Lim might have fired his shot and killed Ricco if Joshua hadn't taken him down first. Deep down, I'm actually grateful to that Pyponco guy. None of this would have mattered if Ricco had died instead.

In the aftermath of the incident, Ricco and I faced the challenge of rebuilding not only the Ibarra Group of Companies but also our personal lives. The turbulent times tested our strengths, and while scars remained, they served as reminders of our shared resilience.

We found solace in each other's company during the darkest moments. Our bond deepened as we navigated the complexities of the aftermath. Ricco's commitment to redemption mirrored my own, and together we forged a path towards healing.

In the process, our relationship evolved into a partnership that extended beyond personal ties. We became allies in rebuilding the company, infusing it with renewed ethics and a commitment to transparency. The challenges we faced only strengthened our resolve to create a legacy built on resilience, love, and a shared vision for the future.

Mark Gutierrez is performing admirably as the new CEO of IGC. Perhaps it's because he can adeptly handle any role, making him effective. Or maybe, it's because skills and leadership are innate qualities in him. I didn't make a mistake in appointing him.

Upon assuming the role of CEO at IGC, Mark wasted no time in initiating a sweeping transformation. Recognizing the need for a clean slate, he made the bold decision to terminate the old board of directors, particularly those individuals who had connived with the late Mr. Lim's nefarious schemes. The corridors of power echoed with change as Mark, with a firm hand, reshaped the leadership landscape of the company. The move sent a clear message that IGC was moving away from the shadows of its tainted past, ushering in an era of transparency, accountability, and a renewed commitment to ethical business practices. The departure of those implicated in Mr. Lim's misdeeds marked a pivotal moment in the company's history, setting the stage for a brighter and more principled future under Mark's astute leadership.

Since Mark had his both hands full with responsibilities, a new opportunity emerged for Azalea. Recognizing her keen organizational skills and unwavering commitment, I invited her to be my new assistant, a position she embraced with enthusiasm.

Mark continued to play a pivotal role in our covert operations. His loyalty and strategic acumen were indispensable as he mobilized his men for undercover missions, ensuring the safety and success of our endeavors.

Following these developments, Ricco took on a more advisory role within the company. He engaged in philanthropic endeavors, contributing to various social causes, and worked towards creating a positive impact in the community.

"There's something that I want to do," Ricco suddenly said one night. We were having dinner with Papa Allie in a restaurant, and Uncle Marco, Jason, Mark, and Azalea were with us.

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