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      Sal gets around halfway through his plate of food before standing, mostly holding himself up by his hands. "I, uh, am going to go to the bathroom real quick." he says, his head fogging up.
    Todd nods, looking over with a giddy smile, though unsure of why he is even happy. Sal staggers for a moment before walking to the bathroom, shutting the door behind him and leaning onto the counter with his arms. "What the fuck is going on..?" he whispers to himself, everything blurring slightly.
    Todd, back at the table, takes note of Sal's odd behavior, though not taking too much in as he is primarily distracted himself. Sal watches himself in the mirror, breathing quickly and half waiting for it to get better, though it does not. He sees everything spin a little, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. He hears a faint knock on the door, barely paying attention until Todd speaks up. "Are you alright in there?"
    Sal nods, before realizing it's not seen, humming a yes to him. "Everything is just spinnin a little, it's fine," he murmurs.
    "Do you want me to call Travis or something?" he asks, not too affected but out of it himself.
    "Was something.. Er, in the food?" Sal asks instead of giving an answer, not quite hearing the question.
    "Probably weed knowing my family," Todd jokes, giggling and not thinking about what he is saying.
    "Please tell me you're not serious.." Sal whispers, a bit alarmed at the idea of being high.
            "I m-mean it's a possibility but I doubt they would actually.." Todd leans into the wall by the bathroom door, stumbling on his words.
             Sal moves himself to the floor, taking off his prosthetic and taking breaths, the dark vision not helping his case at all. Todd doesn't answer, though the silence confirms his worries yet out of it state. Sal hears Todd walk off, letting a shaky exhale out and feeling himself a bit disconnected from reality. After what seemed like forever, a more confident knock is heard from the bathroom door, not sounding like Todd anymore. "Hmm?" Sal hums, it formed into a question.
        "Sal? It's Travis, are you alright? Todd said you were acting weird." he hears, relief hitting him at the sound of Travis's voice, though feeling that he is being consumed by his surroundings.
          No answer comes from the bluenette, staring off and hiding his face in his knees as he brings them to his chest. "Sal?" Travis asks, knocking again.
         After another moment of silence, Travis opens the door slowly, his eyes darting around before finding Sal sitting in a corner. Sal looks up at him, and Travis steps into the bathroom, closing the door behind him and crouching beside him. "You okay?" he asks, scared to touch him or anything, everything looking a ton worse.
          Sal shakes his head no, holding his knees to his chest and letting Travis take one of his hands. Travis squeezes his hand, sighing and sitting next to him. "What's wrong?" he questions, in a whisper.
           "Somethin feels wrong, after I ate the food.." Sal mumbles in response, leaning into Travis, his words trailing off.
            Sal puts his knees down, heart racing and looking around quickly, struggling to manage his breathing. Travis plays with his hair in the meantime, trying to get him to calm down as he speaks. "What was wrong with the food?"
           Sal takes a deep breath, starting to notice how Travis covers his arms with a long sleeved shirt. "I dunno. I was okay till then." he mutters, pushing his head into Travis's shoulder, everything going dizzy.
          "Take deep breaths, it will be okay. Do you want to go home?" he says, trying to stay on questions that need yes or no answers.
          Sal nods, his body weight on Travis as he hugs onto him. Travis stands up, bringing the smaller boy up with him and sighing. Sal holds onto his prosthetic, his hair going into his face to hide it, and he leans into Travis as they walk out of the bathroom. Travis walks to the front door, passing by the kitchen and immediately smelling weed when he walks out, understanding why now. They leave 202, walking to the elevator and pressing for floor four, Travis keeping Sal upright. "It will be fine, Sal. you need to drink water and rest when you get back though." he says, when the elevator dings, guiding him out to 402.
         Sal nods, unlocking the apartment door, stepping in and hazily getting to the bedroom. He drops his prosthetic on his nightstand and rests on the bed, face buried into a pillow. "Odd question, but have you ever been high before?" Travis asks, sitting next to him and grabbing his hand to rub circles in his palm.
           "Addiction runs in my family, I avoid it. No."Sal muffles, not looking up from his pillow and feeling Travis against his hand.
          Travis says nothing, deciding not to tell him at the moment and kissing his hand softly, cursing himself for getting close but laying down anyway. "It will be alright. I can get you some water?" he offers.
         "Please just stay." Sal says, refusing to let Travis leave from his current spot now, hating all parts of this.
     Travis nods, pulling him into a hug and feeling Sal nestle into his neck. Sal leans into him, his vision fading to black and falling asleep on him. Travis lets Sal lay on him as he scrolls on his phone, a number messaging him.

        6:39 PM– (248)434-5508: Hey, Travis. This is Todd. Thank you for helping me with Sal. Just let me know if he is alright when you're able to, please and thank you.

        Travis stares at the message, answering back with a 'okay' and such, more focused on Sal right now. Sal pulls Travis closer, hands loose around him, and Travis glances at Sal before going back to his messages with Kenneth to message him repetitively.

Word count: 1012 words

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